Females are Superior at being irrational and illogical. . . That is a fact.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
Females Superior?
by metatron inhttp://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htatrit/articles/20140303.aspx.
who knew?.
If you wrote book about JW's what title would you give it?
by LogCon inmany, after leaving or being cast out of 'the society,' have felt so strongly so as to write a book.
some well thought out and good reading.. my questions are the following:.
if you were to write such a book what title would you give it ?.
my book would be Tittled " Childhood Trauma and Why my my parents joined a Crazy Cult"
Jehovah Witness An Organization Of Shame.
by WhoYourDaddy ini don't have anything good to say about these people.. if you can get past all of the ambient abuse.. if you can get past all of the twisted lies and shameful history.. if you can get past all of the familes destroyed and children damaged from the blood and 2 witness policy.. if you can get past all of the real estate laundering and for profit lies; it is all about the money.. if you can get past all of the hypocricy and bitterness.. if you can get past all of the gb megalomaniacs.. if you can get past all those things.. i still can't find anything good to say about this shameful group of ignorant people.. shame on each and every one of you controlling liers.. shame on each and every one of you who aid and abet this continued ambient abuse and ridiculous fraud of an organization.. shame on you..
WYD, Tell us how You really feel :)
Religious Experiences Shrink Part of the BrainReligious Experiences Shrink Part of the Brain
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article/religious-experiences-shrink-part-of-brain/.
the article, religious factors and hippocampal atrophy in late life, by amy owen and colleagues at duke universityrepresents an important advance in our growing understanding of the relationship between the brain and religion.
the study, published march 30 in plos one, showed greater atrophy in the hippocampus in individuals who identify with specific religious groups as well as those with no religious affiliation.
So Basically highly religious people "have Brain Like Squirrel " as Borat would say. I Can agree with that :)
Possible Dub pickup line
by soutx in.
hey babe, how about you and me doing a -.
generation overlap
Hey bayou feelby,you want me to bring you to Paradise?
Hey babe, you feel Like Blowing on Gabriel trumpet?9
Yo sweet Thang, can I show you the Wild Beast spewing out seven Trumpet Blasts?
"Deep down inside even they know it is BS." Discuss
by rory-ks innope, bungi bill's interesting statement from this post didn't take, so i'll start its own.. from my own experience, i hated the field ministry.
it might just be because of the kind of character i am, whatever, i never was able to overcome that feeling of dread every time i went door-to-door.
i felt aware of how much people disliked having strangers cold-calling trying to sell them something.
Well Duh.... deep down ofcourse they know its all crap. But they're very well Brainwashed.
ALL JW's to be at the meeting this week...
by Newly Enlightened in.
we asked this person if it could be aqbout the terminology change and they said that was already read last week...... we remember the last time they did this.
got everyone all excited thinking the big "a" was coming and all it was about, was the literature would now be donated instead of charging for it.. .
Dear brothers,
Because of our new lite on the overlapping contemporaries Generations teaching, we ALL realise that we are now deep into the time of the end and we need to stay close to the earthly part of J's Org. That is why we at this time require all of God's people to donate all of their assets to the WatchTower Corporation or one of its subsidiary Corporation's immediately. We will have spiritualy minded Accounting Auditer's visit with each member of each Congregation in order to assess all of the publisher's assets whether they be liquid assets, or real estate, stocks, bonds, life insurance, gold, jewlery, cars, boats, pets, childern, etc etc.... you get the picture. Refusal to cooperate with J's Org will result in immediate Disfellowshiping! We're not F'ing around anymore! We are God's mouth piece so Shut up and Listen.
Warm Christian Love, from your brothers of the Bethel Family at the top of the Pyramid Scheme.
I think the WatchTower should just come out and admit it like this guy.
What would the Watchtower Society do...?
by LogCon inwhen the economy collapses, and it will, worse than 2008, far worse.... ...what would the watchtower society do if a large group of homeless jw's starting camping out at wakhill, new york, perhaps in a large 'tent city'?.
Thats easy, they would called the Authorities of 'Satan's System' to evacuate and if neccesary arrest those tresspasser's on their property! It will be a Loving provision of Jahooba.
Link to the WT library of things that you wont find on the WT Library
by BU2B ini just discovered a site today that has scans of most of the magazines/publications ever published by the wt bible and tract.
it is not an "apostate site" it just has the material and no commentary.
those of us trying to wake up jws may find this useful as we can show old quotes and publications without sending out red flags.. we are supposed to be proud of our spiritual heritge right??.
This is Great! Thankyou B.