JoinedPosts by Zordino
Post 666: Revelation--Its Grand Climax in 70 AD
by Londo111 inrevelation is the most misunderstood and misused book of the bible.
the branch davidians and other cults used revelation with deadly results.
fundamentalists have used it to prognosticate a future where the antichrist and his one world government mark people with microchips or barcodes during a seven year tribulation.
Hooray for Apostasy against blunders and nincompoopery!
by Terry inif you change religions by changing your mind and by moving on to something "better" then technically you are apostate.
consequently, unless you are born a jw you have to abandon another religion to become a jw.
so, being an apostate is a good thing if you abandon some other religion, but, if you abandon the jw's you are bad.
"Embrace the insults of fools.
Wear the disapproval of false accusation as a badge of honor."
Good saying!
nincompoopery will be my new word of the week. There is a Lot of that around me these days.
What would it take for YOU to come back?
by noonehome in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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2 dozen Wild horses .... Maybe.
What would you tell someone who wants to become a JW?
by slimboyfat inwhat would be the most important things you think someone should be aware about jws if they are planning on getting baptised as a jw?
imagine you are on a plane and get talking to the person next to you.
you find out they are considering becoming a jw but they are not sure.
Tell them to:
I think I've planted a seed!
by OneDayillBeFree ini could be wrong, but i can't help but be a bit optimistic.last night my parents and i had our "family worship night".
i hate it, and i believe my mother does too.
my dad only does it because he's an elder but last night even he was acting like he didnt want to do it.
Think about it.
I Like that expression "Family Wakeup Night." I think I'm gona start a FWN Night myself.
I wanted to punch this elder so bad!
by OneDayillBeFree inso i decided to attend the meeting last.
since i haven't gone in about 2 weeks, and i leave as soon as it ends, and elder decided to corner me at the end.
lately i've been through some very depressing family issues that are non-jw related so i haven't been my best at acting like i care about the org.
This Elder sounds like a Dick smaker to me. Or he could even be a Pally Wacker .. LoL.
He's just a nosy jerk who wants to know your business. He sounds Like trouble. Avoid him as much as you can.
The absence of DUE PROCESS and the threat of the "invisible" gun
by Terry inthe watchtower society is a monolithic power invested by its own self with power of attorney representing the supreme being in his dealings with mankind.
the watchtower represents itself as the "mouthpiece of god".
it speaks for jehovah.. but, does it treat the persons it deals with fairly and with due process?
Terry, another good post. I enjoy them. Marking
Sad Discussion Regarding Beards
by turtleturtle inso both my wife and i are awake to ttatt.
we are still active, patiently waiting for the org to implode.
being active, it is evident this is happening as a quickening.. we were having a discussion regarding shaving & beards.
"I remember in the 90's when I was in a car group and a younger brother said he can't wait until he no longer has to shave in the New System. An elder who was sitting in the car got upset and corrected him and said we would always have to shave and reminded him that there are no beards in any of the pictures of the New System in the publications, meaning we we always have to shave."
Ok, are these people F'n serious?? How Dumb do these people have to be to even be saying this kind of crap??? Its just shocking to see the Level of stupidity of most JW's! Bty, the whole no beard/facial hair was introduced to the bibble students by Rutherfart to distinquish his followers from the followers of old Charlie Russel who tended to wear beards as he did.
TOP 10 REASONS that for JW's REALITY = access denied!
by Terry in1.the organization itself denies access to reality and substitutes its own alternate reality of counterfeit "meaning".. a.only watchtower approved publications are worthwhile reading material.. higher education is to be pursued.. non-jw friends or associations are encouraged with their "outside" points of view.. free-style questioning of doctrine or criticism permitted.
curiousity is verboten.. e.threat of being "marked" or disassociated looms as an invisible gun aimed at members at every moment!.
2.between every real-world event and the rank and file jw's mind is a roadblock.. a.the moment of identifying is short-circuited by an interpretive moment of re-labeling in watchtower-speak.. b.all things happening are forced into a narrow storyline and propagandized as end times happenings leading to armageddon.. and personal identity is expunged and replaced by a collective persona of "jehovah's witness".. a.private thinking is red-flagged as self-centered and sinful.. b.personal improvement, welfare and ambition is labeled repugnant.
Terry, Very interesting read. The minds of JW's are totally closed to Logic and reason. When they speak of world events or basically most things, its all distorted and cramed into a JW Box (JW thinking). They are like automaton's on autopilot. My parents are like that unfortunetely.
Day One After Armgeddon written by a JW awaiting the Big A w/eager expectation - Warning: LOOOONG!!!
by Eve Deceived inonce we found out we were all witnesses, we all hugged.
now we just had to see if our kingdom hall was still standing.
when we came to the hall we had such a huge shock.. there were so many people there.
"Daddy, daddy this big pussy cat has a big tongue and it licked my face!"
This part cracks me up for some reason. LoL