Wow What great feed back. Billy X and Snare love your remarks. I agree I don't want to be a jerk but I am simple stating a fact. There is a policy in place that endangers kids....period. As to an impending visit by the elders bring it on. I will just get a chance to pose the question to them and would love to see the response. Would love to hear more input..... I love this site. HB
JoinedPosts by harleybear
This really works to shut up the elders and other do gooders prying questions
by harleybear infor what ever reason i have been contacted by a number of jw's as to why i do not attend the meetings etc.
in the past i have blown it off by saying i am super busy, tired, sick etc.
i had the opportunity just last week when i ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
This really works to shut up the elders and other do gooders prying questions
by harleybear infor what ever reason i have been contacted by a number of jw's as to why i do not attend the meetings etc.
in the past i have blown it off by saying i am super busy, tired, sick etc.
i had the opportunity just last week when i ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
Well put Jeffro. With the 2 witness policy they can continue to stick their head in the sand and "see no evil". By posing that question we are not "doubting" the org. just standing on common princple and the LAW!!!!! I have taken this yet a step further and have a copy of local legal documents outlining what domestic violence and child abuse is. Hand that to them and see the pucker factor take place.
im so stressed im throwing up
by unstopableravens init just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
Unstop: I was in the same space as you. What worked for me was getting involved in my community. Do fund raisers, work in a soup kitchen, help out at the Senior Center anything to get you out and utilize your skills. Yes skills, if you can go door to door and sell the Watchtower you have the ability to do just about anything. Local animal shelters need help, writer letter to the troops get my point. You will not be shunned by any of those folks and will be paying forward to a good cause. Best of luck HB
This really works to shut up the elders and other do gooders prying questions
by harleybear infor what ever reason i have been contacted by a number of jw's as to why i do not attend the meetings etc.
in the past i have blown it off by saying i am super busy, tired, sick etc.
i had the opportunity just last week when i ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
For what ever reason I have been contacted by a number of JW's as to why I do not attend the meetings etc. In the past I have blown it off by saying I am super busy, tired, sick etc. but not now. I had the opportunity just last week when I ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
"Oh we have missed you at the meetings" "Is everything alright" Would you please consider coming back???"
My response was No!!!!!! I will consider coming back when the WTBTS does not provide safe haven for child abuser and wife beaters.
"What do you mean"" they said shocked and wide eyed.
My long as there is the 2 witness rule in such crimes I can't see that Jehovah's spirit is upon an organization that harbors criminals.
Lips slam shut and they turned on their heels and left.
I was later contacted by yet another 2 elders who stopped by for a visit and posed the same questions. Asking further did they know of any criminal that would abuse a child or spouse that had requested 2 witnesses to their crime.
Of course the answer was NO.. I simple concluded the conversation by saying "Exactly my point"
By using their rules and procedures how could you be wrong?? I would love to hear your thoughts..
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
Loved Dagney"s "worldly"" yep but we called them " globe heads. " Pissed the elders off big time. What fun
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
My all time favorite is one smarmy faced do gooder comes up to you with hands clutched in front of them an says "how are you dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing" doing goes on forever. How am I doing??? Damn great now that I don't have anything to do with you wack jobs.
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis inmy wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
sorry my bad
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis inmy wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.Best of Luck
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis inmy wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.Best of Luck
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis inmy wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.Best of Luck