Jehoshaphat – Jeremiah
Jehoiakim – Isaiah
Jehoram – Nehemiah
Jehoiachin – Zechariah
יהו Jeho + ה ah = יהוה Jehoah Jehovah
יה Jah - יהוה Jehoah
יהושע Jehoshua Jesus
Jehoah Could be correct also. Most Bible names starting with J could be a little different in various languages.
English there are a few ways you could possibly translate the divine name. Many other languages JWs get the divine name better than they do in English.
but the truth is we don’t know 100% correct translation of all these names starting with J into various languages.
Maybe we not try translating all these names and just say the original language?
John, James, Jesus or Jehovah these are all translated differently around the world in different languages.
My name is John and as I travel people call me their translation of my name. I don’t mind I do not insist they only call me the English translation