They have certainly lowered their standards, and particularly on some sexual matters.
Soft porn (aka non-abhorrent) is OK (wink wink) vs objectionable abhorrent porn (with greed).
Oral &/or anal sex (within marriage) are a personal matter (don't force her), vs in the past they were brazen perversions and abhorrent for a Christian.
Masturbation -- do they even address it anymore. How dumb was that policy? Statistics indicate 95% of single men admit to masturbating regularly while 5% of single men are known liars. (IDK, seems more popular with you gals too these days.)
Their position on gambling has been watered down through the years, too. Now, innocent "penny gambling" like a poker game or an occasional Lotto ticket is OK. I guess even dropping a few bucks playing slots on the Riverboat is "don't ask, don't tell". Just don't get "greedy" about it. That would be objectionable.
Absolutely right. If a baptised person does anything they consider serious sin, nowadays all they need to do is say they are sorry and nothing will happen. What a change this is compared to before. Nowadays the elders beg the publisher to not leave where in the past publishers had to beg the elders to let them stay.
I have even noticed a change with entertainment these days. We could not admit to watching or playing an 18 certificate film or game years ago. Nowadays there is no more pushing the idea that we should get up and walk out of the cinema
definitely relaxing policy on everything