Just the wasted years. That said I was a born in and didn't have a lot of choice. Stopped going in my early 20s.
Posts by Landy
Any regrets whilst you were in the Org
by Tallon inthe biggest regret i have is of 'shunning' persons who were disfellowshipped and for 'marking' ones deemed as bad association.. there's no way i can approach these people to ask them for forgiveness as i've emigrated to another country however, by this post i'd like it to be known..
Ponderings of a Worldly Person
by Nevuela in35-year-old female in california here.
never a jw, but have had bible studies and attended several meetings and even a convention once.
i've always been agnostic with leanings toward the belief in some deity or other, although the more i learned from the jw's, the more i've learned to doubt, not just their teachings, but the fundamental teachings of all religions.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means you were doing ok until you mentioned the illumunati.
That turned you from being a normal person into a nutter.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
....... say your an idiot if you believe in god .....
The governing body are digging their own grave.
by atomant insurely the gb aren't naive enough to believe their own lies.what does it take for the majority of j dubs to wake up to themselves and finally realize that they are being robbed on all levels emotionally.financially,spiritually,intellectually and many other aspects of their day to day lives..
I imagine the GB awake each morning with a pit in their stomach, wondering how long they will be able to hold the charade together.
But desperation compels them to keep the hamster wheel spinning so long as they can seduce hamsters up their asses.I don't think so - I think they believe as strongly as the rank abd file witnesses.
Ponderings of a Worldly Person
by Nevuela in35-year-old female in california here.
never a jw, but have had bible studies and attended several meetings and even a convention once.
i've always been agnostic with leanings toward the belief in some deity or other, although the more i learned from the jw's, the more i've learned to doubt, not just their teachings, but the fundamental teachings of all religions.
The theory that the Watchtower is actually controlled by the Illuminati makes a lot of sense to me, though, but of course, I don't dare mention the possibility to my roommate, who would probably be the first to drink the Koolaid if and when the time comes.
You were doing ok until then ....
Obedience At Its Blindest
by Nevuela injust a little something my "anointed" roommate posted on facebook a few months ago, along with replies from her fellow jws.
it was chilling to read, so i took a screenshot and saved it for future reference.
please feel free to share your own stories of blind obedience within the org.
Watching the Rio Olympics? What's your sporting interest?
by smiddy ini haven`t seen much if anything on the rio olympic games on this forum , i can`t believe their is so little interest in such a sporting event that is televised world wide.. i don`t get to watch everything , but events i do like to see when i can are,track and field ,gymnastics ,swimming , diving ,and their are a few other sports i will watch when they are on , especially if an australian is involved.. how about you ?
whats your favourite sport to watch ?.
has the "drug" issue affected your view of the games ?
The team pusuit cycling
C'mon Wiggo!
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Simon - might be worth comparing Crabbys and hopeeverlastings ip addresses.
How much do Olympics athletes earn when they bring home a medal.
by James Mixon inusa athletes..gold-$25.000 , silver-$15.000, bronze $10.000.
singapore athletes..gold $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000.
unless your m.phelps you don't earn enough.. what is wrong with this picture?
I thought the olympics were a purely amateur event?
I believe in Evolution and that God created life
by Crabby inanyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
It is hard to make life work
It only had to happen once though - the odds aren't as slim as you think.