Dear god, mini me, he came across as a complete, unhinged idiot.
And that's putting it kindly
to me they have an agenda and they really don't care about professional journalism.
most are untrustworthy and that's a shame.
Dear god, mini me, he came across as a complete, unhinged idiot.
And that's putting it kindly
some that come to mind for me.. seven brides for seven brothers.
Not a fan of musicals at all but I'll give be a second vote for Jungle Book. :D
the yearly rejection of the blood of christ aka jw memorial is coming soon.. jw's will be engaging in an invitation campaign.
elders are instructed to personally visit inactive ones or faders.
some sarcastic ideas of how to respond to the memorial invitation that will scare or piss off the cult members:.
You can't make a law that compels a person to talk to someone else.
188,000 people have been evacuated in nor.
according the los angeles times the following places are open to evacuee's.
click here!.
188,000 people have been evacuated in nor.
according the los angeles times the following places are open to evacuee's.
click here!.
There's already a thread on this
all that talk about hillary clinton's unsecured e-mails?
read the following:.
"deagazio posted additional photos from the weekend, including one of his dining companions kissing trump on the cheek, a selfie with white house strategist steve bannon and another selfie identifying a man named rick who he says is responsible for carrying the nuclear “football,” which allows the president to authorize a nuclear attack while away from the white house.. "“this is rick,” wrote deagazio.
Trump's presidency is descending into farce, and that's where it will stay for the next four years.
His NSA has gone for cosying up to the Russians, his communications team can't get a coherent message out. His EO is in tatters and there isn't one metre of wall built yet.
And this is just the first three weeks!
I'm just looking forward to Have I Got News Foy You starting again.
there is an inherent founding association with paganism through and by the founding leader of the watchtower corporation that has to be realized and accepted as such.
c t russell was once the head editorial writer for the wts.
right up until his death in 1916. russell had associated himself with freemasons for awhile, giving talks at freemason halls and handing out literature he published at the same time.. he made up more or less a commercialized version of the gospel based upon a new era for mankind which he calculated by measuring the dimensions of the great pyramid of giza.
But if that new light comes from the top of a pagan Pyramid at its source you still have a pretentious " New Light "Yeah, but if you take all the old books out of the congregation library then it never happened, right?
first, i've been out of the organization for 20 years this very year!
i was baptized in 1979 and attended one of the lancaster ohio congregations.
realizing i was gay, i left and after being in the columbus gay community for 6 months, decided bar hopping and cruising was not my cup o' tea.i decided to return in late '90 and was reinstated in '91.
BTW, I did not leave due to sexuality issues.
it would have been enough, with the exception of a couple of southern US states fundie sects, I don't think I can think of a worse religion to grow up in as a gay person.
it seems that the other threads about trump's policies are veering off into endless ideological theories about how much better we are than islam.
does anyone think there is a chance that islam can be changed in the same manner that christianity has over the centuries?
with the inflow of ideas from western countries into the middle east, will people gradually want to move away from sharia law to something less patriarchal and cruel?
Possibly. Christianity threw off the warfare and crusades about 400 years ago. So give them another 400 years and they'll be a Muslim version of the CoE - Islam Lite as it were.