JoinedTopics Started by DomineIvimus-DI
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
Why doesn't the wt discuss the real reason many partake?
by nowwhat? init has nothing to do about feeling chosen or ruling in heaven, but rather many feel it's a command for all christians, that by partaking you are accepting christ as their saviour!
john 6-.
Zoom zoom rules +
by Wakanda in1. and this is most important, everyone listen up: dress up like you normally would for meeting!
-oh, gawd.. 2. if you use a zoom background, make sure it is not distracting, or something crass like prison.
stick with something dignified and subtle.
Covid 19 - expert says it's hype!
by The Fall Guy inlol!
having commented earlier on experts' differing views, here's a prominent german physician/politician - wolfgang wodarg - who made controvorsial statements that the coronavirus "pandemic" is not out of the ordinary and that italy's mortality rate (8,215 deaths from coronavirus so far) is no greater than it would normally be from the 'flu virus.
in 2017/18 approx 18,000 italians died due to the flu.. the wikipedia section - controversial theses in the 2020 covid 19 crisis - is worth examining.
Cart Witnessing....They deserve the same ''cold shoulder''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a man named jerry.
on a public sidewalk, he asks attendees leaving a jehovah's witness convention in san diego a simple question, ''do jehovah's witnesses have the truth.
not one person acknowledges him.
Have you heard of a Jehovah's Witness on federal SSDI disability Pioneering ? How common is this ?
by BottleGate_ inasking 4 a friend.
2020 Memorial Talk Outline!
by Atlantis in2020 memorial talk outline..
How Much of the WT Teaching Did You Believe?
by Ding insome people on this forum have said that they never really believed any aspect of wt teaching, that they couldn't wait to get free of it all.. others seems to have been really gung ho, believing it all until something happened that got you questioning "the truth.".
i would say my own high water mark was about 50%, which put me squarely on the fence, trying to decide if i should be in or out.. how about you?.
Memorial date
by DomineIvimus-DI incan someone please help me with this, if you’ve looked into it before?.
i read somewhere that the witnesses didn’t celebrate the memorial on nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
i did a quick google check - seems next years memorial is on tuesday (nisan 13) rather than the wednesday, nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
JWs reach new milestone - reaches 1,000 languages
by Wonderment inbelow is the copied page found in from nov. 4, 2019:.
the governing body is pleased to announce that a new milestone has been reached in our efforts to make disciples of people of all the nations. now has articles, videos, and audio content available in 1,000 languages, including 100 sign languages..