A message from Marc Latham to Thailand-man.
original reddit post (removed).
A message from Marc Latham to Thailand-man.
original reddit post (removed).
Am I supposed to read 354 pages of slander and speculation about underaged girls (,in the ,USA.. oh yeah I forgot the USA polices the world?) That this is the most popular post on this site is sad.
I believe most members are not in the USA. What is more sad is a man that admits he can't control himself, especially his sexual urges.
Look simon I respect you and Lloyd. I see you have differances but so what? Attack a guy on vacation trying to sort his infidelity out and you care.
This goes beyond infidelity and you know it.
Wow that's 'crazy. I am prehaps done hete.
Hete: A quagmire or morass, a swampy, soggy spot. Hete is a relatively small soggy area, but big enough to stop a man or horse.
I was recently invited by a biblical schoolar to write an article .
Site who or don't bother. Also the word is scholar, not schoolar, so I am calling this bollocks.
I feel this forum has changed after years how the mighty have fallen. Hope it works ok with you Simon
so we have been "green" blowing up all our coal power plants now they are saying we are like north korea...expect regular power blackouts.
who is running this show?.
Meanwhile the UK government has just announced that electric car grants have been scrapped with immediate effect.
That is good news. I don't mind electric bicycles and scooters for short commutes. I have and love my e-bike for that. Electric cars are too expensive, too heavy and too inefficient for what is usually one person in the car. I suppose the same can be said for gas powered cars, which is why I have a motorcycle and e-bikes. Still in high wind, rain, and snow a car is needed.
so we have been "green" blowing up all our coal power plants now they are saying we are like north korea...expect regular power blackouts.
who is running this show?.
Those green goobers are trying the same garbage in the USA as well. We've been warned to expect rolling blackouts. Meanwhile they want us to buy battery powered cars. Exactly how is that supposed to work without the ability to charge them?
original reddit post (removed).
For somebody who said on his Facebook lawsuit manifesto that the trauma he is currently experiencing is worse than when his mother died, he sure has a strange way of dealing with it.
a pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit.. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v9mgao.
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
Imagine me claiming that aliens had taken over the Calgary tower. I could post a pic of the Calgary tower. It's not even proof I was there myself, and do you believe aliens have taken over the Calgary tower?
You mean, besides the fact that no self-respecting alien would waste its time with Calgary?
Any time Ian Punnett hosts Coast To Coast AM he always opens the show by asking any hostile aliens orbiting Earth to "eat the Canadians first." It could happen.
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And I remember his bitchy attitude towards Christmas. Can you imagine "celebrating" with a parent who can barely contain his boredom and distaste for what should be a happy family holiday?
This is one of the few things I can sympathize with Lloyd Evans. Christmas does not mean nearly as much to me as it does other family members without my background. What would make it worse is neither of the children's grandparents celebrate it, so it would be even harder for him to make the activity feel normal. Wow, I almost felt something for the jerk. Don't make me do that again.
hearings are on the schedule for abc, bbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc and nbc.
not on fox "news".. will you be watching?
or maybe .
Certainly much more peaceful than the worst of the BLM riots, repeated across many Democrat-run cities.
Isn't it interesting the BLM and other groups will vote for the same Democrats that they later protest against?
original reddit post (removed).
My feeling is it would not matter who Karlo Novosel is politically connected to or if he bribes every judge in Croatia. Croatia does not have jurisdiction over four other countries. However this is interesting enough to share.
original reddit post (removed).
I think people are misreading cost. I've seen $8 allocated on a sheet here in Europe as 8,000. So I think his court costs were actually $122. That makes way more sense, and in a criminal case you couldn't claim liabilities as it would be a fine/sanction/imprisonment. He has probably paid his lawyers a total of $500 plus court fees. I really have a hard time believing so far it's been an expensive affair for him.
That would really clear much of this up. That is why I posted that sheet, because with all of those zeros, it makes no sense. Being cheap like he is, $122 for a court filing to make it appear he is "clearing his name" makes far more sense now. Still I hope his lawyers bleed his bank account dry.