Lloyd is behaving like a good ol jw elder. He has arranged a judicial commitee, has notified the brothers about it and vaguely told them what is it about. But has completely avoided any detail.
Like a jw committee meeting, Lloyd would like for there to just be a verdict with no trial.
It is very interesting to see. Lloyd Evans claims a crime was committed, but will not go into specifics as to what crime. He "invites" 12 people to pay him money to resolve their "crime" and I assume all would be forgiven once the payment was made. He then says he has sued 7 of those 12. None of the other 5 have made payments have they? I know for a fact that 3 of those 5 have not paid Lloyd money. Would Lloyd have given the money back had they paid and he realized they had not committed a "crime" against him? I doubt it. But the evidence is he decided 5 people must not be guilty as he dropped them from his ongoing "criminal lawsuit."