Not sure if the comment I made last Tuesday would fit, but referring to Gideon's asking for two assurances of God's favor with the test of the fleece on the threshing floor I commented that the WT had in the past stated that was not an indication of Gideon's doubt, but rather simply wanting total assurance of God's direction. That WT continued to state that we today could benefit by making sure of all things. One of the most important ways would to be asking ourselves if what we are being told is directly provable from the Bible, and does it glorify God rather than the person saying it? Even Paul said that if he or an angel from heaven said something not in line with God's words they would be accursed, and so too today. If someone, even one of the anointed said something not directly from the Bible or bringing attention to themselves we should not listen to them as they would be accursed, in Paul's words.
I saw many heads bobbing in agreement evidently not realizing exactly what I had just said.