Pontoon: "Right or wrong, good or bad, the organization is an empty shell compared to what it used to be."
It's like they're just giving up.
this is going to break the hearts of a lot of uber-jw's!
reddit has now removed the video link of samuel herd telling jw's they will no longer have to report time or placements - just tick a box which says "active.".
Pontoon: "Right or wrong, good or bad, the organization is an empty shell compared to what it used to be."
It's like they're just giving up.
i didint search to see if its been talked about.
big news for jws sheeple , no more reporting.
Do you have a link or some sort of reference for this?
sometimes things don't come across the way the speaker intended.. years ago there was an ad by the whitegoods company fisher and paykel.
they showed them going to great lengths to get customer feedback on what was important to them.
one customer said that she wanted it to be easy to get her appliances serviced when they broke down.
LongHairGal: Sad that so many died believing the "soon!" promise. 😢 I'd be pretty angry too, at such a flippant dismissal of such a gut wrenching situation! And this is a great example of the sort of thing I'm asking about: they are completely tone deaf to what they are really saying.
sometimes things don't come across the way the speaker intended.. years ago there was an ad by the whitegoods company fisher and paykel.
they showed them going to great lengths to get customer feedback on what was important to them.
one customer said that she wanted it to be easy to get her appliances serviced when they broke down.
Ding: that's going back about 30 years for my anecdote, and these ladies were a bit on the elderly side, so they were probably around when that was circulating and your elder picked up on it.
Here's a WT anecdote that seems to reference it: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1986005?q=brainwashed&p=doc It already seemed to be a meme at this point. I remember thinking that the term was pretty old-fashioned; something that you're more likely to see come up in an old episode of The Man From UNCLE.
sometimes things don't come across the way the speaker intended.. years ago there was an ad by the whitegoods company fisher and paykel.
they showed them going to great lengths to get customer feedback on what was important to them.
one customer said that she wanted it to be easy to get her appliances serviced when they broke down.
Sometimes things don't come across the way the speaker intended.
Years ago there was an ad by the whitegoods company Fisher and Paykel. They showed them going to great lengths to get customer feedback on what was important to them. One customer said that she wanted it to be easy to get her appliances serviced when they broke down. The bloke running the survey was really agreeable to that proposition. I don't know how they wanted it to come across, but all I heard was "Our stuff breaks down!" 😱 I don't know where their marketing people studied, but I wouldn't!
As for JWs: some JW ladies once said something like "People tell us we're brainwashed, but we tell them that we've had our brains washed clean by the Truth!" I'm pretty sure I didn't hear what she thought she was telling me...
What are some good examples of things JWs say and the WT writes that don't actually say what they think they are saying?
i was wondering about the jw attitude towards getting tattoos.. redditors suggest that the only jws who have them would have got them before they were baptised.. jw.org gives a meally-mouthed "true christians wouldn't" response.. but no-one (that i've seen so far) answers the question i'm actually asking: is getting a tattoo after being baptised a disfellowshipping offence?.
if not disfellowshipable, how would a typical jw congregation treat someone who got a tattoo after baptism?
would they really treat it like it is a conscience issue?.
LongHairGal: You walked safely away, didn't you? That tattoo must have been very discreet!
EasyPrompt: He smoked? 😱
Morley: That seems to be a recurring theme in this thread; it depends on your Kingdom Hall and how discreet you are about it.
i see this phrase a lot: "the indication of a cult is what happens when you leave.
" i'm not sure where that originated, but it is a faulty categorization.
"cult" is almost always used in a derogatory way.
I remember reading WT literature about disfellowshipping and they basically say that, due to the laws of the land, they can't order people to be stoned and you can really sense the unwritten feeling of regret about that.
The Great Drunk, Rutherford, used to have security armed with pickaxe handles patrolling his conventions. They're not above using violence to obtain their desired ends.
matthew 5:41 (nwt) "...and if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile,* go with him two miles.".
a member of the roman occupying forces could command a local to carry their pack for a mile.
the local was thus pressed into a form of military service.
The WT hypocrisy in this matter is that they concede "legitimate service" and yet they sent thousands of people to prison by refusing "civilian service in lieu".
when i was interested in things jw two decades or so ago, i never came across these mentions of hailstones.
it crops up so often now that it's almost a meme!
when did it become a thing in jw speak, and what does it refer to?.
Listener: I'm guessing that forcing the R&F back into the public eye by making them appear as obnoxious street preachers would be seen as possibly a positive thing by the GB. There are probably many urban legends of how marvellous life was for the Society back when Joe Rutherford was s***-stirring and getting witnesses thrown in jail. Perhaps this GB, which is presiding over a waning organisation, is hoping to recreate the glory days.
Vidiot: I must say, I was shocked to find out that the WT had stopped the door to door work during the big C. When some witnesses finally came to my door in about March, I basically gave them both barrels about not going door to door.
Me: (approximately remembered conversation) Do you mean to say that your cowardly GB up in Patterson or wherever they are in upstate NY cowtowed and followed a UN mandate to stop the door to door work?? Nothing is more important to you guys than the door to door work!
Lady JW: But we had to; it was a government directive.
Me: You've defied governments before!
Lady JW: Yes, we have. Well, it's been nice talking to you; we really must be moving on!
when i was interested in things jw two decades or so ago, i never came across these mentions of hailstones.
it crops up so often now that it's almost a meme!
when did it become a thing in jw speak, and what does it refer to?.
It might be fun to be approached by them in town. They can hardly use the cart excuse "I'm not here for a debate" when they approached me first! 😇