I figured that out a long time ago. Unlike most JWs, I've read Revelation without a WT publication in hand. I've argued the passage about the 144,000 at length with JWs at the door. They are absolutely adamant that 144,000 is an exact, literal figure , not symbolic, even though it is 12 X 12 X 1000, all biblically symbolic numbers. Then I point out that the 144,000 are male virgins from specifically named tribes of Israel. "Oh, that's just symbolic", they say. Then I say, "Then why don't you count the figure of 144,000 as symbolic?" Silence.
My question is to point out the inconsistencies I see in JW theology*. And the question still stands, according to JW theology, should the annointed (Jesus brothers) be referring to the vast majority of JWs, the unannointed, (not Jesus' brothers) as brothers and sisters? If they shouldn't, then why do they? To me it's just another example of a JW ramshackle doctrine that they've cobbled together without understanding its full implications.
*Also to try and understand it better in order to discuss it better with JWs I meet.