Like all things related to the WT doctrines regarding the 144,000, "the annointed" and the FDS, I'm confused about this "overlapping generation" thing. How does it work? Does it mean that someone who worked in close proximity with someone at Bethel who had been baptised before 1935 could have the annointing passed on to them? If the annointing can skip forward once and the new annointee is genuinely annointed, what's to stop it skipping forward in every subsequent generation?
I suppose it's shorthand for the GB saying that every GB member is annointed because we say so. Diogenesister alludes to something like that above. As she said, eventually only the GB will be the 144,000, the FDS and "the annointed". Will they stop people being allowed to partake at the memorial, eventually? Will the memorial become an annual event wherein the JW congregations of the world get to watch a livestream of the GB partaking?