I've been theorising for a while now that since only the GB are the FDS, they're going to have to do something about the 144,000 and the anointed. IMO, the 144,000 will be dropped, either officially or discretely never mentioned again*, and only the GB will be the annointed, AKA Jesus' brothers. It will be interesting to see if they are brave enough to weave a new doctrine explaining exactly how only the GB are special and where they fit in with the scheme of things and scripture at large**. I wonder if the other sheep will then wake up and realise that the promises of the bible only extend to a handful of old men living in luxury in their own ivory tower, according to the doctrine espoused by these men.
I've postulated before, should only the GB be the annointed, they're going to have to do something the memorial. If my prediction (more "what if?" speculation than prophecy) comes to pass, the memorial could descend into a farcical situation whereby it becomes a worldwide live broadcast into every Kingdom Hall, of the GB, and only them, partaking of the emblems. In this imaginary scenario, how would the R&F feel: like the animals at the end of Animal Farm where the pigs start walking on two legs and the sheep start bleating "Four legs good; two legs better!"?
* With appropriate warnings about idle speculation, running ahead of the chariot and old light
** Should most of my speculative predictions come to pass