Listener: I'm guessing that forcing the R&F back into the public eye by making them appear as obnoxious street preachers would be seen as possibly a positive thing by the GB. There are probably many urban legends of how marvellous life was for the Society back when Joe Rutherford was s***-stirring and getting witnesses thrown in jail. Perhaps this GB, which is presiding over a waning organisation, is hoping to recreate the glory days.
Vidiot: I must say, I was shocked to find out that the WT had stopped the door to door work during the big C. When some witnesses finally came to my door in about March, I basically gave them both barrels about not going door to door.
Me: (approximately remembered conversation) Do you mean to say that your cowardly GB up in Patterson or wherever they are in upstate NY cowtowed and followed a UN mandate to stop the door to door work?? Nothing is more important to you guys than the door to door work!
Lady JW: But we had to; it was a government directive.
Me: You've defied governments before!
Lady JW: Yes, we have. Well, it's been nice talking to you; we really must be moving on!