I caught the 6:45 screening here tonight. It was a great movie I thought, although it wasn't exactly what I expected. I need to stop watching spoilers online before the movie. I think I play the movie up in my head and sometimes it isn't all I expected it to be. It was a great flick though. Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart were awesome in their roles. Of course Christian Bale- it was worth watching it for him alone. I won't throw any spoilers out there but I do think it's probably the best super hero/villain movie out there so far.
I don't know what the lines were like where you were at but they were insane here. I waited inline over an hour before the movie in a line that had several people waiting in it before I got there. Good thing for being able to purchase tickets in advance.
I caught a morning show on friday, so the theater was semi-busy. Like you I was impressed with the film, its certainly the best super hero/villain movie I've seen in quite some time. And I know you like Christian Bale.... for his acting alone ;-)
- Preston