*HUGS*, you have no idea how angry I get when I hear about situations like yours. The elder body that you dealt with only wanted to exploit your honest view of your sexuality for their own advantage which is sickening. Forgive me for being blunt but, It takes balls to do what you did and please, do not regret your writing a candid article.
I did write a letter on Homosexuality to the local paper, which appeared in the editorials section. Apparently they never saw it since I never got any calls (who'd think the elder body would be concerned with reading about other people's opinions anyway). I also had comments in a front page article of the University newspaper (I guess the angels forgot to bring this to the elders attention as well).
I say bravo Morris for standing up to your beliefs, even when it meant the elders trying to make an example out of you in front of the whole congregation.
E-mail me, Preston.