Fascinating subject, this.
This is from my youthful days. A woman lived next door to my grandmother. Remember this is a rural setting in tropical Africa; the two houses are separated by a live hedge; you could peer through to see the woman sitting on the veranda, a few metres away. That woman had voices speaking to her that we could all hear, voices telling her things audibly, comprehensible things (like "XXXX[woman's name]get up"). If she didn't obey the voices, she'd be hurled up brutally. She was a frail woman, she was no vintroloquist, she was visibly tortured because the voices spoke day and night and hardly gave her a respite. This is no heresay. I witnessed this with my own eyes. Everyone in that village knew and heard those voices. It was no collective dementia, it was as real as you breathing now.
There are intelligent beings out there my friends, but our eyes simply cannot see them. It makes me laugh when some people insist on catching those beings on film: how can you photograph what you can't see? You can see the manifestation of the being, what "it" does, but you can't see the being because it is invisible. Folks, there are far too many things in the world that we cannot rationalize.
the charming prince