I think she's talking to YOU - Df'd !!
Posts by Prisca
Questions for DFShipped...
by LDH inhi, dfs.. first of all, let me say it is not necessary to label yourself on this board, or anywhere on the internet for that matter.. so many of us have family members that are df'd, it really doesn't hold much water round here.
i did have some questions for you though, which of course you don't have to answer.. 1. why were you disfellowshipped?
Did You Know ....? [Rutherford]
by RR in1. that judge rutherford had a mistress.
2. that he died from a fall down the basement stiars where he cracked open his skull and the rats fed on him.. 3. that his son, malcolm, left immediately after his father became president and lived the life of a hermit, never to speak to or about his father until in death in 1995.. 4. that the judge was a womenizer, alcoholic and racist and dabbled with the occult.. _______________.
never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.. edited by - rr on 27 january 2001 13:44:18
No, it was Professor Plum in the Dining Room with the Dagger!
Another WOL "Gem"
by thinker infirst a quoted post from w.o.l.
why we sometimes adjust our beliefs .
when a watchman is posted on the watchtower, he must report all perceived approaching threats.
One way I see it is that these men are often raised in the "truth" and know nothing else. When your parents are JWs, your fleshly bros & sisters are JWs, your grandparents are JWs, your spouse is a born & bred JW, you know no other way of life.
All your life you have been indoctrinated in this mindset. You believe you are doing the will of God. No other religion matches up to yours. YOU have sayings of everlasting life. Men have to listen to YOU to attain salvation. Salvation is through no other group other than Jehovah's Witnesses. So you believe you have the way, the truth, the life.
It may be hard for those who weren't born into the Witnesses to understand how and why these ones don't see things like they really are. Well, sometimes, they don't and can't understand any other way of thinking. Call it brainwashing if you want, but it is definately doctrinated in them, and they will remain this way for as long as they choose to remain "in the Truth".
How do you feel about smacking at K Hall?
by Latte inpersonally, it upsets me very much.
or are there any other parents that found better, alternative ways of getting young children 'trained'?.
i am not anti -smacking by the way,(except at the kh) but it is always the very last resort.. latte
My father was an elder when I was little and because my mother apparently couldn't handle me, they had a brother assigned to take me out of the Hall to discipline me. I still remember being smacked by him!
Funny thing is, I hated that brother though perhaps I should have hated my parents for it instead.
Hi Latte, and welcome! :)
My nick is from my real name, Priscilla. Prisca is used in the Bible as the Latin name of the disciple Priscilla, who was married to Aquila. They were Christians in the 1st Century. What is known about them is mostly found in the Book of Acts.
Personally I don't like the name Prisca, so in real life I get called every other variation of Priscilla. But I chose Prisca because it was something different!
Some Personal Stuff
by amicus ini lived with my folks when i became a witness at 18 years of age.
my parents were surprised when i cut off my ponytail.
they were upset when i wouldnt re-enroll in college.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I am sure your parents have every reason to be proud of you. What you describe of your father, I somehow feel that you are a bit like him. I do not know you personally, but from what I have come to know you through your posts, reflects an intelligent man, quiet but thoughtful.
As Wendy said, there are surely some things about you physically as well that reflects your parents as well. Haven't you ever caught your reflection in a mirror and for a split second, saw your parent, then realised it was you? Or looked at an old photo of your parents, and saw how much you look like your father when he was your age?
That is one thing I take with me. My mum died when I was a kid, and although I never really got to know her as a person, her physical attributes are carried on by me. Many comment how much I look like my mother. And also how much I am like her - in mannerisms, speech, gestures etc. So in a sense, she is still alive, and I am proud to be able to continue on her spirit in me.
So be proud of your parents, as I am sure they were of you. Be honored to carry your father's name and spirit in you, and live so that further generations will remember you in like manner.
Did You Know ....? [WtBTS]
by RR indid you know that ..... 1. the advent christian church published a monthly magazine called "the watch tower" published at the same time that the society published their "watch tower.".
2. that the society proclaimed the end of the world in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1945, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1999?.
3. that they once taught that the holy spirit ceased operating in 1918, and that jehovah was using angels to relay his new light?.
Xandit, when did you become a Witness? Are you a Witness?
I am a 3rd generation Witness, my father was an elder, my sister a pioneer.
I was alive and active as a Witness in the years of 1984 and 1994. They were dates that we were VERY MUCH INTERESTED IN. The Society would never say definately in print that Armageddon would come, but it was ALLUDED TO.
Remember the scripture in Psalms talking about man living to being 70, 80 if he had special might?
And when did the "last days" start? 1914
Do your sums, and tell me why 1984 and 1994 weren't years that Armageddon was expected to arrive?
I was there and very much aware what was being said - even if it wasn't in print - the COs and DOs would allude that these were "special" years. And anyone with a calculator had reason to have high expectations.
They may seem unrealistic now. But that's 20/20 hindsight. But you had to be there. And I was!
WT Society Articles about Apostates
by Scorpion inhttp://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wtabtsaaa/menu.html .
"we must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odiuos, filthy, to detest.
" wt 10/1/1952
yup, that just about sums up their attitude....
And yet the Society says that families CAN have SOME association!!!
This is where the cruel heart condition of individuals come out. The Society doesn't condemn families having limited association with members who are df'd. It does exclude spiritual association. So at least there is some latitude for families who want to associate with that family member. Yet because of previous hardline dictates of before, the R & f believe they cannot have anything to do with df'd family members. It is so sad!
There are 2 reasons for this :
1. The Society has a tradition of saying "yes" then "no", then "yes" then "well, maybe..." So for the normal Joe Publisher who hasn't got enough time to catch up with everything written in the endless supply of magazines & meetings, he may not realise that changes have happened.
2. The average r&f member learns to harden his heart to anyone who is a non-JW. Including his own family members. Once someone leaves the religion, the believing members shut them off, because in their minds they are dead meat in Jehovah's eyes. So they treat their own family in like manner. Very cruel, so very sad!
Mommy I want to marry you !!!!!
by Maxee inhello mommy, let me get straight to the point here - (not like amicus who has been desperately trying in vain to sweet talk his way into sevens panties) - i think you are a living doll and i would like to marry you right now.
yes you can take this as a proposal.
i need to get some service in on you every month starting immediately.
As the first female to have responded to this thread (which never should have been posted in the first place IMHO), I just want to say :
larc & amicus - my heroes! I'd be happy to have you guys defending me any day. I'm glad to see you guys so ready to defend our honor as well!
To "badboybubbee" : you are a joke and an embarrassment to all men, especially AUSTRALIAN men!
Everyone else : please don't think all Aussie men are as brainless as this galah. He'd be thrown out of any bar in Australia if he tried to speak to a woman like that in real life. This guy is obviously thinking with the wrong part of his anatomy. [>:(]