Latte thank you I NEVER thought about having to take my kids to the meetings! Man that would be really interesting:) Looking through my kids eyes at a meeting is well almost comical. I agree with Simon, young children have very small attention spans, and the Watchtower, just won't cut it with a 2 yr old. The idea of a sunday school, is much more age appropriate.
But I feel that this is the basis of all jw training, the society uses the parents to do the physical control, as they work on the mind control. Everyone goes along with this. If I told a preschool teacher the format of a meeting she would question why a parent is punishing a child for a skill they physically are unable to accomplish. We don't force our children to feed themselves if they are unable to use a spoon or fork. Which brings up another pet peave of mine and that is physical punishment during potty training. But I will save that for another day:)