one must remember that pedophilia is not a crime, nowhere does god, jesus or anyone say it is wrong. given this astounding fact, we must conclude that god is fine with it and thus by associatioh thw jws. please dont tell me about porneia. porniea if one looks up a dictionsry means illegal sex such as prostituion. pedophilia was not illegal in the roman empire, lookup pedastry which was common back then. when one accepts that the jws are following the bible on this matter, one then understands theirnpolicy.
Posts by mP
Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection ? Not. Check this Out !
by flipper inthese quotes and excerpts i'm going to post here come from the " jehovah's witnesses - office of public information " from their website as it was posted on 12/2/07.
my wife and i have a lurking witness friend who sent us this information as she is very pro-active trying to fight child abuse from within the organization itself !
so get your barf bags ready- you are going to need them to stomach this " official policy " garbage from the wt society.
by TimeBandit injoseph kony is one of the world's worst war criminals and i support the international effort to arrest him, disarm the lra and bring the child soldiers home.
kony's rebel forces abduct young children in uganda.
the boys are forced to be soldiers and made to kill their parents.
i wonder where he gets his weapons ? could it be the same place as musharref, the saud kingdom, pakistan, saddam hussein and so on.
@Timebandit someone is making ,oneynfrom mines in uganda, they need a dictator to take care of the population by any means. we have seen it many times, and guess who is at the center many times.
does the gb really believe or is this a game ?
by mP inim assuming we all realise the gb may be many things but the individuals are not fools.
given the changes in ideas, formulation of new light and so on, do they buy the fascade they are presenting ?
if theres anyone in there, surely they as men, know how very man made it has always been.
im sorry the nyc skyline is not beautiful. it may be expensive but its not beautiful. how many times does one open an office in tahiti? anyway if they did go there its not as if they make an appearance and then go to the beach. if anything i would argue they are in a virtual orison. they have little if any free time to just enjoynlife. it cant be fun, constantly remembering the last bullshit your peddljng, and then arguing and fixing up the mess it creates.
what special favours do they get ? when do they get to sit back and use that money or wealth ? do they ever ?
too me i think of the queen, all that wealth and ceremony, but she cant even walk down the street. for all their prestige they are always on the job, and it never ends. it onky ends when they are senile, or die.
i suppose if your megalomaniac it might sound like a dream, but doesnt it just become a resposnsbility?
If the WT dumped 1914 tommorow ...?
by faithfulslavedriver inthis is my first post here.
i've been a lurker for awhile but had no particular desire to join until the other day.. anyways, do you think that if wt decided to face the fact that 607-1914 is an indefensible pile of crap that has been artificially kept steaming for way too long, would it really kick off a mass exodus or anything?
in the short term the fds/gb might lose some authority, but they are hemorrhaging people anyways keeping it around (607 started me on the road to this place).. if wt stopped talking about 1914 for awhile then later killed it, blaming it on "further research" or something, and acknowledged some uncertainty in 607/587, i really doubt that very many of the r&f would think much about it.
personally, i believe the best response is another correction of wolrd history. the fact is the catholic church established when jesus was born. dionysius could be said to have added hundreds of years. after fixing the true count of the years that have passed since jesus birth 1914 is no longer wrong. i know its crazy but there are scientists who have written that jesus was born eight hundred years ago. look up fomenko, new chronology.
hey they did it for 607! they can fix history once more. after all the judge renamed all those pagan months in the thirties, why not a new year count? the muslims, japanese, hebrews etc all have differentbyear counts.
Irish JW Who's Husband Was Cheating Suffers DF'd & Shunning
by BroMac in
claim by jehovah's witness dismissed - the irish times - tue, mar 06, 2012.
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good old jehovah and his earthly org it never changes. just like the good old days when priests coukd get jehovah to strike ppl dead on the spot. thosevwere the days when women and common folk had no rights. i always knew when god went soft and let the modern world write up new laws, things would chsnge fornthe worse. what was god thinking when he let her walk into a court and speak against a man. a true org of god wouldnt allow this. if she was at home in her menstration hut like it says in exodus we wouldnt have this disharmony.
shame shame shame, bring back the good old dsys, where priests were gods and elders were priests.
does the gb really believe or is this a game ?
by mP inim assuming we all realise the gb may be many things but the individuals are not fools.
given the changes in ideas, formulation of new light and so on, do they buy the fascade they are presenting ?
if theres anyone in there, surely they as men, know how very man made it has always been.
while i agree, im surprised how little benefits financially the gb get. they are old men, no helicopters, no speedboats, dancing girls or private planes. everyday they managing the circus. everyday they eat average food, wear ties and suits. it cant be much fun doing this seven days a week knowing its all pointless. what exactly do they hope to achieve. by the end of this century or perhaps sooner, they will be a complete joke even with believers. 1914 will be a long time ago, and the obvious that they just msde stuff up will be true to all. so why bother this stupid game.
does the gb really believe or is this a game ?
by mP inim assuming we all realise the gb may be many things but the individuals are not fools.
given the changes in ideas, formulation of new light and so on, do they buy the fascade they are presenting ?
if theres anyone in there, surely they as men, know how very man made it has always been.
perhaps they know they arent totally directed or inspired by god, but theu believe the morality they want is justified. the ends justifies the means. the wts teaches ppl to be good.
Steve Hassan's books
by tornapart inat the moment i can't get these books, they are not available as ebooks and i can't risk having them in the house.
but i have heard so much about them and how helpful they are that i am just wondering if any who have read them can give some insights they have gained from them that would be useful to know.
thanks in advance.
all xian religions are cult because they are all splinter groups of some mothership. thats what a cult is.
Is Biblical Morality Situational, Based Upon the Arbitrary Whims of Yahweh?
by leavingwt inis biblical morality situational, based upon the arbitrary whims of yahweh?
murder is wrong... if god orders it however, then murder is right, and failing to murder is a sin.. .
exodus 20:13 versus 1 samuel 15:1, 7-11. .
firstly, the child from that union of david and bethsheba didnt die because of god. if we look back at the conditions of the ancients, its a fact that a lot of babies or young kids died. im going to say that was just nature. i believe what we have here is some ancient trying to show god really participating in all actions. does it really make sense, that a supposed omnipresent god, let david kill uriah by placing him in harms way, and then kills the baby, or did the baby just die.
let us ask who where the priests and what was the ituation back then we might get a different idea. life in the priesthood was difficult, there were a lot of rival gods offering gods with easier laws. lets face it the mosaic laws are harsh and annoying. its not a wonder that the hebrews always whored after other gods. what exactly did hehovah do for them? it seems jehovah i always angry, and never helps when it counts, eg against the babylonians, romans, greeks.
in fact we have one situation where there is a faminine after king david takes a census, which is recorded in both chronicles and kings. one says the devil caused the faminine while the other said it was jehovah who was angry because felt necessary to trust his army and needed to count.
back to the priests. they were greedy, they wanted the best animals, food, wine, money for sacrifice. i believe they were not very popular with the populace. if we examine the scriptures giving totals that left with and then returned after the exile, we can see the returning was less. could it be those jews didnt want to come back because of the harsh kings and priests. in those days, religion was part of the government. god made prpnouncements via his priests. they were actually part of the ruling elite.
lastly if we examine the 613 mitzvot or laws in the torah we see an extraordinary amount about priests, ceremony and related business of the temple. somehow god forgot abput helping women, kids, and slaves but was primarilt concerned with business.if we examine the laws from a selfish priestly angle we almost get an understandable answer. it may be cruel but it is to their advantage, always!
does the gb really believe or is this a game ?
by mP inim assuming we all realise the gb may be many things but the individuals are not fools.
given the changes in ideas, formulation of new light and so on, do they buy the fascade they are presenting ?
if theres anyone in there, surely they as men, know how very man made it has always been.
im assuming we all realise the gb may be many things but the individuals are not fools. given the changes in ideas, formulation of new light and so on, do they buy the fascade they are presenting ? if theres anyone in there, surely they as men, know how very man made it has always been. im guessing that they must be fully aware of all the holy mistakes in all their glory. are they just going along and pretending, just for the rush that power gives ?