Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection ? Not. Check this Out !

by flipper 83 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    These quotes and excerpts I'm going to post here come from the " Jehovah's Witnesses - Office of Public Information " from their website as it was posted on 12/2/07. My wife and I have a lurking witness friend who sent us this information as she is very pro-active trying to fight child abuse from within the organization itself ! So get your barf bags ready- you are going to need them to stomach this " official policy " garbage from the WT society. Here it comes. Under the title : " Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection "

    " When any one of Jehovah's Witnesses is accused of an act of child abuse , the local congregation elders are expected to investigate . Two elders meet seperately with the accused and the accuser to see what each says on the matter. If the accused denies the charge , the two elders may arrange for him and the victim to restate their position in each other's presence , with elders also there. If during that meeting the accused still denies the charges and there are no others who can substantiate them, the elders cannot take action within the congregation at that time. Why not ? As a Bible-based organization, we must adhere to what the scriptures say , namely, " No single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or sin.... At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good. " Jesus reaffirmed this principle as recorded at Matthew 18 : 15-17. However, if two persons are witnesses to separate incidents of the same kind of wrongdoing , their testimony may be deemed sufficient to take action. "

    " However, even if the elders cannot take congregational action, they are expected to report the allegation to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in their country, if local privacy laws permit. In addition to making a report to the branch office , the elders may be required by law to report even uncorroborated or unsubstantiated allegations to the authorities. If so, we expect the elders to comply. Additionally, the victim may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so. "

    " If, when confronted , the accused confesses that he is guilty of child abuse , the elders take appropriate congregational action. If he is not repentant, he will not be permitted to remain a member of the congregation. Even if he is repentant - is cut to the heart and is thus resolutely determined to avoid such conduct in the future - what was stated in the January 1, 1997, issue of The Watchtower applies. The article said, " For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, he cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special, full - time service. " He would not qualify scripturally. We take such action because we are concerned with maintaining Bible standards and protecting our children. Everyone in our organization is expected to meet the same requirements, namely , to be clean physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually. "

    " In a few instances, individuals guilty of an act of child abuse have been appointed to positions within the congregation if their conduct has been otherwise exemplary for decades. All the factors are considered carefully . Suppose, for example , that a long time ago a 16-year-old boy had sexual relations with a consenting 15-year-old girl . Depending upon the U.S. jurisdiction where he lived when this happened, elders may have been required to report this as an incident of child abuse. Let us say that 20 years have passed. The child abuse reporting law may have changed ; the man may have even married the girl ! Both have been living exemplary lives and they are respected. In such a rare case , the man could possibly be appointed to a responsible position within the congregation. "

    " Our procedures have been refined over time. Over the years, as we have noted areas where our policies could be strengthened , we have followed through. We are continuing to refine them. We do not believe that our system is perfect. No human organization is perfect. But we do believe that we have a strong, Bible-based policy on child abuse. Anyone in a responsible position who is guilty of child abuse would be removed from his responsibilities without hesitation. We certainly would not knowingly allow him to serve elsewhere , either because he moved or through a transfer. "

    " The Bible teaches that individuals can repent of their sins and " turn to God by doing works that befit repentance , " and we acept what the Bible says. Still, the safety of our children is of utmost importance . We take it very seriously. "

    So - Had enough ? I told you it would be tough reading this . Where do I start with my own personal anger and differences with how Jehovah's Witnesses handle child abuse ? Gawd. So many issues.

    First off why meet with the child and molester together ? Don't you think this would traumatize the abused child somewhat ?? Or, how about a lot ? And then if the molester is found to be allegedly " repentant " how does it protect the child by just removing privileges of service to the molester ? What prevents him from still getting close to the child again by wanting to work in service with children ? Are the elders going to inform families about the molester ? Doubtful. And how is a 16 year old boy having sex with a 15 year old girl - child abuse ?? Looks like they are trying on purpose to class that scenario together with an adult over 21 who would molest a minor under the age of 18 . The WT society says they have refined hir procedures over time. But the song remains the same. Children are still being molested , cases are being hidden, and the WT society is still trying to prevent the public as well as their own members from knowing what really goes on behind the scenes.

    So- How do you folks feel about this information. When will the voices of small children be heard and their pleas for justice become answered ? As always I look forward to your responses. Peace out to all, let's take care of the children in this world everybody. Mr. Flipper

  • StAnn
    " However, even if the elders cannot take congregational action, they are expected to report the allegation to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in their country, if local privacy laws permit. In addition to making a report to the branch office , the elders may be required by law to report even uncorroborated or unsubstantiated allegations to the authorities. If so, we expect the elders to comply. Additionally, the victim may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so. "

    Oh, blech. First, note that the elders are REQUIRED to notify the branch office but MAY be required to notify the authorities. Yeah, they're so interested in protecting children. And then, the victim has a right to report? When it came out JUST LAST YEAR, Summer 2007, that a brother has been sexually molesting my niece, the elders told her NOT to tell anybody! And her mother was furious when her school therapist found out about it because the elders told them not to tell!

    Bunch of lying bastards. I hope there is a burning hell so they can all writhe and scream in it.


  • flipper

    St. ANN- I'm so sorry about your niece. The elders and the WT society certainly are ba$tards. Once again - we see them putting information on their website talking about informing authorities - but in practice they tell someone not to divulge or tell anyone about the child abuse ! They are twisted dicks, for sure. I do hope your niece is getting some loving family support and professional counseling to deal with her abuse. I'm so sorry

  • wobble

    This is the usual carefully contrived propaganda,trying to keep it all secret if possible,and I don't see any advice on ongoing protection for the children,if it does exist as advice I know from experience it is not followed.

    Did you notice that all of a sudden they are an "imperfect human organisation".?

    Where is the Holy Spirits Direction that they shout about? Surely our Lord cares for the little ones,if He is directing them as head of the congregation why the f**k can't they get an effective protection policy in place now,and why wasn't it there years ago????

    More evidence of their lying evil ways.

    Love to all,especially those who suffer because of the inept, dishonest GB,


  • fokyc

    Flipper, very interesting, when I quoted the following to our local elders, they said it DID NOT apply!

    "When any one of Jehovah's Witnesses is accused of an act of child abuse , the local congregation elders are expected to investigate . Two elders meet seperately with the accused and the accuser to see what each says on the matter. If the accused denies the charge , the two elders may arrange for him and the victim to restate their position in each other's presence , with elders also there."

    They say the following scripture overrides what is on

    "(Exodus 21:28-32) 28 "And in case a bull should gore a man or a woman and that one actually dies, the bull is to be stoned without fail, but its flesh is not to be eaten; and the owner of the bull is free from punishment. 29 But if a bull was formerly in the habit of goring and warning was served on its owner but he would not keep it under guard, and it did put a man or a woman to death, the bull is to be stoned and also its owner is to be put to death. 30 If a ransom should be imposed upon him, then he must give the redemption price for his soul according to all that may be imposed upon him. 31 Whether it gored a son or gored a daughter, it is to be done to him according to this judicial decision. 32 If it was a slave man or a slave girl that the bull gored, he will give the price of thirty shekels to that one’s master, and the bull will be stoned."

    This meant, apparently, that they had no need to talk with the accused!

    I don't understand it, but they are sticking to it.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    "Anyone who is guilty of child abuse would be removed from their positions."

    No they wouldn't.

    It says "guilty" not "proven guilty."

    "Proven guilty" is what the WTS would use to remove the man from his position, not "guilty."

    They sure didn't prepare these statements with a lawyer's guidance. That much is clear.

    16 y/o has consentual sex with a 15 y/o and is labeled a child molester for it? No way, never!

    There must be 3-4 years between the ages for that to happen. A 15 year old can't consent to sex with an 18 year old. 16 year olds can consent to sex with an 18 year old.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's hard to believe that this advice was legitimate even thousands of years ago.

    The Bible ISN'T practical for today in any way shape or form!

    It's time to update that stupid book for our day so stupid people can at least appear to function normally in the MODERN WORLD.

  • OnTheWayOut
    If the accused denies the charge , the two elders may arrange for him and the victim to restate their position in each other's presence , with elders also there.

    These guys are not experts in child psychology. How dare they consider congregation matters
    more important than the mental health of a child. It could be terrible to force a child to admit
    to such a horrible thing to begin with, but then BEFORE SPEAKING TO EXPERTS to put
    the child in front of the abuser and make him/her say these things again. Take the matter to
    experts first before considering such a traumatic act.

    ...the elders cannot take action within the congregation at that time.
    ....they are expected to report the allegation to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in their country

    Congregation and Organization matters listed before care and concern for the victim.

    Don't force the vicctim, but strongly encourage the victim to go to authorities first.
    Offer to accompany the victim, hold their hand if necessary, stay by their side.
    Always report the incident if they won't, unless the law FORBIDS it.
    Base the congregational/organizational conclusions on what the authorities
    do and decide. If the law says you cannot announce the name in the congregation
    after a conviction, then announce what you can, "Little Johnny has been through a
    terrible courtroom process after a personal ordeal, so let us pray for and comfort him."
    People will figure out what happened.

    ...the elders may be required by law to report even uncorroborated or unsubstantiated allegations to the authorities. If so, we expect the elders to comply.

    If possible, do so secretly. We have heard how they might be instructed to phone
    authorities anonymously from a payphone to make their legally required report.
    That way, the organization is minimally involved. Again, organization ahead of
    the victim. Such anonymous reporting is less likely to get followed up on by

    Additionally, the victim may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so.

    Elders should encourage this. "We are not experts on these matters. You really might
    need to go to the authorities for counseling and legal advice. We are just Bible counselors
    and not psychologists."

    For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, he cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special, full - time service. " He would not qualify scripturally. We take such action because we are concerned with maintaining Bible standards and protecting our children.

    Organization first. Qualifications listed first. He may not qualify to be a full-time pioneer,
    but how are the members warned that he needs to stay away from their children? Sure,
    you tell him, but who tells them? Victims first, potential victims first, organization secondary.
    How about, "For the protection of our children, if the law keeps us from warning parents, we
    tell the abusive member to absolutely not work with anyone other than the elders. We tell the congregation
    that there are websites that list child molesters in the neighborhood. We have a local needs talk
    right away about how there may very well be concerns within our midst and that their children's
    safety is above all else, therefore kids should absolutely not work with adult men (women if
    needed but most are men) other than their father or other family members, and at this time, they
    may need to be talked to about their well-being and any possible odd situations while in service. If the
    abusers are family members, we do all that the law allows us to do to warn the family. If the law ties our
    hands, we do like we do with the preaching work- recognize that God's laws are higher than Man's laws
    and we do everything to circumnavigate the law."

    Suppose, for example , that a long time ago a 16-year-old boy had sexual relations with a consenting 15-year-old girl.

    Suppose, for example, that we discuss a situation that is not really a danger to the cong. members?
    Stick to the big concern- the safety of the members. Screw changing the focus to the rare incident.
    Deal with that in a local needs situation and print it in the elders' manual.

    But we do believe that we have a strong, Bible-based policy on child abuse.

    "Because the Bible was written when children were 'property' and even less than women in importance,
    the WTS felt the need to go beyond the simple Bible rules that could apply." HOW ABOUT THAT?

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Flipper, I hate/love this topic it is the only point that my husband and I can seem to make to our JW family and friends. Most pedophiles just don't rape 4yr olds in front of two witnesses. You could poke holes in the story of what a child had for breakfast but he is supposed to testify his most terrifying experience to other adults "and" the accused ( I do have my barf bag out). We have a situation in our congregation where many members have a family member (JW) that recently got out of prison for 72 counts of rape (all children including his own). He is a tier 3 sex offender (they are in a league all their own). Sickest of the sick. When he got out he moved to a different county ,but he was visits our hall, commenting, using the bathroom etc. Now I know about him because I have a commuter. I was notified when he was released. He does have to register,but do the people with kids in his new congregation know about him?? Newer ones at our own congregation didn't even know what his story was. When I would warn our friends with little kids they would say " well anything is possible with Jehovah", with this dense look on their faces. Well who was looking out for the kids who's lives were absolutely shattered by this poor excuse for a human being. Sounds like your friend is like my family, she thinks the society is doing all they can about this. Why don't they start with disclosing all the monies they spent this year on lawsuits.

  • seek2find

    Back in March of this year in my JC meeting when I was DF'd. I ask the question. "What does the Society have against the elders going to the authority's when a child reports abuse?" They said "We do report abuse where it's required by law" I said "how about where it's not required by law?" "What would be wrong with the elders reporting it to the police and letting them conduct a proper investigation?" They stated "confidentiality." When I told them that I understood that the elders were instructed to report abuse from an anonymous location like a pay phone they all 3 said "that's not true". Well it just so happens that we are in a non- reporting state so they wouldn't know about it. Because the way I understand it, the instructions were given verbally over the phone from someone in the service department using the "Child abuse tele-memo" form. Thinking about all the kids who have been abused down through the years because of this "confidentiality" thing makes me sick. seek2find

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