I hope they release the list. I also hope the list encourages victims to seek compensation form the Watchtower.
JoinedPosts by biometrics
It's Time to Pull the Plug on the Watchtower Cult: Are YOU Willing To Do YOUR Part?
by headisspinning into all of my friends on jwn:.
as you know, very big things are happening in regards to the watchtower on a weekly and even daily basis.
they have stepped up their hatred towards those who have left, strengthened their stranglehold on those still stuck in and continued with their harmful policies that damage families, protect pedophiles and sacrifice children.
JW Forum Closes Due to 2012 District Convention
by biometrics indoes anyone know what was said at the 2012 district convetion about websites?.
subject: jw forum .
It's funny. From a Search Engine Optimization perspective the Watchtower are shooting themselves in the foot.
By asking JWs to remove their sites they are probably removing tens of thousands of quality, one-way links to the official site. The only thing that will do is reduce the official site's google ranking. Then (apostate) sites like this one will fill that void.
How many JW pedofiles do you personally know?
by oldlightnewshite ini was just thinking that out of the 200 jws that i actually know, at least 4 of them to my knowledge are pedophiles.
i know for a fact, through personal confidences.
that means, as far as my circle of jovo friends/acquaintances goes, 2% of them are kiddy fiddlers.. without mentioning names or details, how many do you know of for a certainty to be pedos, and what percentage does it work out at, considering all your circle of jovo friends?.
I think I knew of one JW. That is I don't have 100% proof.
He asked me to perve on his young daughter (less than 14). He always made jokes like "Q: What's the best thing about having a teenage daughter? A: You get to perv on all her friends". Years later I found out his (now adult) daugher refuses to even speak with him.
What are your thought of the 144k in heaven
by bobld ina d.o.
said they are watching and directing the preaching work.. i thought it was more like watching who was having sex,(prono perverts).. -also they are useless and are very poor in governing.. -their directing the gb/fds is a farse..
Some questions about the 144,000:
If there are 144,000 spirit anointed people who have a heavenly hope, and a great crowd of people who have another hope of everlasting life on paradise earth, why does Paul say that there is only ONE hope (Eph 4:4), instead of two?
Heb 11:16, in speaking about some of the faithful people of the Old Testament (Abel, Noah, Abraham, etc.) says, "But now they are reaching out for a better [place], that is, one belonging to heaven..." and, "... their God for he has made a city ready for them." The footnote on the word "city" refers to HEAVENLY Jerusalem of Heb 12:22 and Rev 21:2. How can this be since according to the teachings of the Watchtower Society, the only people who will go to heaven are the 144,000 spirit anointed who have been chosen from people who lived after Christ died?
The Watchtower Society teaches that the 144,000 of Rev 7:4 is to be taken literally. If chapter 7 of Revelation is to be taken literally, where then does the Bible say that the 144,000 will come from? (See Rev 7:5- 8). -
JW Forum Closes Due to 2012 District Convention
by biometrics indoes anyone know what was said at the 2012 district convetion about websites?.
subject: jw forum .
Imagine, thinking that we would know better, or that we could somehow supplement the rich spiritual food coming from Jesus' faithful and discreet slave, those whom he has appointed.
The only thing a bit "rich" is they honestly still believe that Jesus "invisibly" appointed them in 1919.
I'll get my spiritual food from the bible.
JW Forum Closes Due to 2012 District Convention
by biometrics indoes anyone know what was said at the 2012 district convetion about websites?.
subject: jw forum .
Jesus says: Luke 9 -
49 “Master,” said John, “we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.”
50 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”
Watchtower says:
Imagine, thinking that we would know better, or that we could somehow supplement the rich spiritual food coming from Jesus' faithful and discreet slave, those whom he has appointed.
With that in mind, the slave class does not endorse any literature, meetings, or websites that are not produced or organized under its oversight.
JW Forum Closes Due to 2012 District Convention
by biometrics indoes anyone know what was said at the 2012 district convetion about websites?.
subject: jw forum .
Does anyone know what was said at the 2012 District Convetion about websites?
Subject: JW Forum
Hello All,
After much consideration, in the light of clear directives given at the 2012 District Convetion of Jehovah's Witnesses, we have decided to close JWForum from public viewing.
This means that for the time being, you, as a MEMBER, can still access the information on the site (for reference only) but it is no longer viewable to the public. The Question & Answer forum will remain open for non-witnesses.
Feel free to use any of the information on this site for your personal use and/or copy any answers you found helpful. The coffee (CHAT) room will be closed but for any Witnesses interested in wholesome online association we fully recommend the following site.
The new up and coming WATCHTOWER LIBRARY provides a source for interested persons to find all the information they need about the beliefs and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, and while we sincerely hope this site has been helpful to some, we cannot in good conscience continue to maintain it as a public information source.
We wish you all Jehovah's continued blessing and remain available for any questions you may have about the future of the site.
Best Regards,
JW Forum Administrators -
"Evidently" the New Watchtower Propoganda Buzzword is "Clearly"
by LostGeneration inwe have seen hundreds of examples of where the watchtower uses the word "evidently" to make their doctrinal point.
(page 9, para 6).
(page 19 para 5).
I call it "Watchtower Speak", the language of manipulation."Clearly", "Evidently" and most of their other buzzwords are used to psychologically intimidate those under the WT spell. Other words, when given a different meaning than ordinary, (e.g. Publisher) form a secret cult language that bonds members. Those words reinforce WT "Group Think", anyone who even questions the doctrine is "Clearly" an apostate, or outsider to the cult.
Questions critical of 1914
by biometrics ini have a relative coming over because he's concerned about my spiritual health.
i said i have some legitimate concerns about the watchtower claiming to be god's representative on earth.
we agreed to do a frank and open (if that's even possible) study of 1914 doctrine, and the "nu lite" about the overlapping generations.. does anyone have good questions or points to shoot-down the 1914 doctrine, and the "nu lite" on overlapping generations?
I'll hilight those sections in the reasoning book before he comes. I want to keep it as simple as possible, otherwise I'll risk getting into a circular argument.
I want to keep questions very consise and I'll be insisting on answers.
Ask them why the WTS doesn't use the same concept of "generation" as Bible writers Matthew and Luke.
Does anyone have scriptures for these?
Questions critical of 1914
by biometrics ini have a relative coming over because he's concerned about my spiritual health.
i said i have some legitimate concerns about the watchtower claiming to be god's representative on earth.
we agreed to do a frank and open (if that's even possible) study of 1914 doctrine, and the "nu lite" about the overlapping generations.. does anyone have good questions or points to shoot-down the 1914 doctrine, and the "nu lite" on overlapping generations?
The meeting was posponed last week becauese of weather, but he said he'll be coming over tonight, or tomorrow night.
I prefer to start with Jeremiah 25:12 because it provides a direct statement that conflicts with their view.
Can somone give me a bit more info on how Jeremiah 25:12 confilcts with JW views.