So elder X came over the other day to convince me about why Jehovah's Witnesses have 1914 correct. I wrote about this some time ago, but the elder never returned. He caught me off-guard, and unprepared.
He went through the reasoning book (p95), and pointed out all the reaons (day for a year, daniel, 360 days, 2520 ...). Then his line of reasoning took the route of "1914 must be correct because there's so many other prophesies hanging off it, and if it were moved all these other prophesies woudn't make sense" and "1914 must be correct because nothing else fits". This type of reasoning is wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.
I expect him back next week, and I'd like to present him with some questions/evidence revaling why 1914 date is questionable.
My wife, who is not yet a JW (but occasionally goes to meetings) will also be there. If it wasn't for her slight interest I wouldn't even bother with this.