Most religions mandate a background check why not JW's
Because they may not like what they find.
i have made a friend who is not in the "truth".
she has invited me to join a women's bible study group.
it is national with branches all over the us about 100 women attend the group i am in this is going on my second year.
Most religions mandate a background check why not JW's
Because they may not like what they find.
i was rasied a jw, and today was my first official time gambling.
i placed a bet on the horses and won $15 dollars.. i also completed an application to get my gun license, and joined a local gun club.. i'm also thinking of joining the local martial arts lessons with my son.. three things i've always wanted to try, but not allowed as a jw..
Not a JW thought only, but watch out that you "won" at gambling. You may think of getting more into it because of your early success.
View it as entertainment and you will be fine.
Have fun with your gun and enjoy martial arts. Good job on moving on to doing whatever YOU want to do.
Don't worry I'm pretty grounded in realtiy, and know the odds of winning vs losing. In fact I purposly picked the horse with the best chanse of placing (top 3). I only gambled because I was told not to for 33 years of my life, and thought I'd try it at least once.
In fact every day is a gamble when you're a JW. It's like Russian roulette for your mind. Will Armageddon come tomorrow, have I got enough hours this month ... I looked sideways at sister boobies ...
i was rasied a jw, and today was my first official time gambling.
i placed a bet on the horses and won $15 dollars.. i also completed an application to get my gun license, and joined a local gun club.. i'm also thinking of joining the local martial arts lessons with my son.. three things i've always wanted to try, but not allowed as a jw..
What do you think of doing with all that money?
Buying some whiskey and getting drunk!
But seriously, I could buy 300 flyers and stick them on cars at the next assembly!
i was rasied a jw, and today was my first official time gambling.
i placed a bet on the horses and won $15 dollars.. i also completed an application to get my gun license, and joined a local gun club.. i'm also thinking of joining the local martial arts lessons with my son.. three things i've always wanted to try, but not allowed as a jw..
I was rasied a JW, and today was my first official time gambling. I placed a bet on the horses and won $15 dollars.
I also completed an application to get my gun license, and joined a local gun club.
I'm also thinking of joining the local martial arts lessons with my son.
Three things I've always wanted to try, but not allowed as a JW.
And I wasn't allowed to watch the news because it was too violent, and could damage my impressionable mind.
while growing up as a jw this was a question i often wondered about: did jesus ever call his heavenly father by the name jehovah?
and if he did, why wasn't it recorded.. i know there's plenty of references such as john 17:6, 26 where it says "i have made your name manifest to the men ...".
however is there anywhere in the bible where jesus used the actual word jehovah?.
While growing up as a JW this was a question I often wondered about: Did Jesus ever call his heavenly father by the name Jehovah? And if he did, why wasn't it recorded.
I know there's plenty of references such as John 17:6, 26 where it says "I have made your name manifest to the men ...". However is there anywhere in the bible where Jesus used the actual word Jehovah?
i loved reading the yearbook each year as soon as it came out....lots of encouraging experiences and they were all true of course, like this one from africa..... yearbook 1967 p.105 "a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent {like the muppets}...the serpent gave greetings and spoke in foreign tongues {college educated maybe}....a brother passing by went into the house, as soon as he did the serpent stopped talking.
the man cried out "a magican has entered the room.
" the brother asked the man "is that a serpent or a demon that has spoken to you?...not one serpent has ever spoken except the one in the garden of eden"...seeing that the serpent remained silent the man left the house....he was anxious later to get some literature....".
So I'll call the JWs next time I have a talking snake in the house ... or I'll grab the shovel?
i ask purely out of curiosity not to provoke imply or incite anything.
but when you consider how the pope has to ride around in a bullet proof golf cart lol and considering how many maby thousands of people (apostates) theyve pissed off over the years it takes some pretty big ga-hoe-nads to do this purposefully with no security if you really didnt believe some god was protecting you.
and ive seen gb walk around aimlously around bethel henchel swingel schroder without a care in the world?
The GB don't enjoy any special protection from God anymore than an ordinary JW would.
The most logical answer is that Jehovah's Witnesses are very insignificant, and as such, nobody cares to assassinate or harm them. The same could be said for leaders of other smallish, cult like religions.
i ask purely out of curiosity not to provoke imply or incite anything.
but when you consider how the pope has to ride around in a bullet proof golf cart lol and considering how many maby thousands of people (apostates) theyve pissed off over the years it takes some pretty big ga-hoe-nads to do this purposefully with no security if you really didnt believe some god was protecting you.
and ive seen gb walk around aimlously around bethel henchel swingel schroder without a care in the world?
Well according to them they were protected from visting the twin towers on 9/11.
last night i go to the grocery store and see this guy, always been a nice guy, always says "hello, how have you been, we mised you at the hall" crap.
and i say "never been better, nice to see you" you know the ususal pleasantries.... not last night.. we go into the store almost simultaneously (from different directions) and as soon as he sees me he dashes towards the shopping carts.
Yep. I've never been baptized, and I've been shunned too.