I suggest browsing through the sites that link to jw.org. Most of them aren't that flattering for the Watchtower:
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Jehovahs-Witness.net and Alexa
by scotoma insite information for jehovahs-witness.net get details alexa traffic rank: 101,530 traffic rank in us: 46,202 sites linking in: 297. site information for aawa.co get details alexa traffic rank: 3,956,481 traffic rank in gb: 179,039 sites linking in: 1. .
content is king.
people go where there is a continous flow of new content.jwnet has supplied stimulating contet now for years..
Jehovahs-Witness.net and Alexa
by scotoma insite information for jehovahs-witness.net get details alexa traffic rank: 101,530 traffic rank in us: 46,202 sites linking in: 297. site information for aawa.co get details alexa traffic rank: 3,956,481 traffic rank in gb: 179,039 sites linking in: 1. .
content is king.
people go where there is a continous flow of new content.jwnet has supplied stimulating contet now for years..
There's still a long way to go:
Site Information for watchtower.com
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Alexa Traffic Rank: 1,964
Traffic Rank in US: 1,598
Sites Linking In: 2,066
Who/what is more responsible for you becoming a JW?
by minimus inis it family, friends, idealism???
My mum became a Jehovah's witness just before Armageddon (the 1975 one). I was two at the time.
JWs Most Feared Bible Verse
by JCISGOD98 inthe jehovah witnesses most feared bible verse.
watch video and don't forget to share with your friends.
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I don't think they fear any verses bible. If they did they wouldn't be Jehovah's Witnesses anymore.
Instead of fearing scriptures they resort to twisted Watchtower logic and reasoning to 'explain' almost every verse that contradicts what they teach.
The Watchtower Can't Make A Profit On Printing Propaganda What Will Be Its Next Source Of Income?
by frankiespeakin inwith internet access to material published by the watchtower and it being offered free door to door and at the congregation literature counter it should not be surprising that the wtb&ts doesn't make the same profit as before when literature had to be paid for.. so the nonprofit corporation must turn to other sources of income, like playing bank with the congregation's money, as well as selling property of which they have a sizable fortune.
beg for more money from the mostly poor rank and file, suggest willing leaving valueble property to the corporation, mandatory tithing, and etc.... part of this sellable property are kingdumb halls owned by incorporated congregations which thier by-laws give the wt complete control.
as times get worse for this corporations i would expect them to be tapping this source of revenue more frequently.. they are selling all their brooklyn buildings, and closing down branches and selling the property, and they are selling kingdom halls(who gets the money?)..
In addition to the above they'll also start pushing elderly witnesses to bequeath real estate over to the Watchtower. Mark my words!
I know it already happens. But this time they'll step it up a few notches. Perhaps feature it in a few watchtowers and yearbooks. Not sure what angle they'll use? But does it really matter? Most are so brainwashed they'll follow anything, especially the elderly who've already devoted many decades.
Sure there'll be a few disinherited children complaining, but they'll be labeled as "apostates" if they get too vocal.
The day after Armageddon how will JW survive the first week?
by TotallyADD ini was thinking about this today when i was mowing the grass.
when you look at the picture the borg always show of armageddon everything is destoryed.
i mean nothing left everything gone.
Who's going to pickup all the dead bodies after the birds have had their fill?
The day after Armageddon how will JW survive the first week?
by TotallyADD ini was thinking about this today when i was mowing the grass.
when you look at the picture the borg always show of armageddon everything is destoryed.
i mean nothing left everything gone.
How will the KH work without electricity ?
They don't work with electricity!
The day after Armageddon how will JW survive the first week?
by TotallyADD ini was thinking about this today when i was mowing the grass.
when you look at the picture the borg always show of armageddon everything is destoryed.
i mean nothing left everything gone.
Don't you know, they're going to prance around selecting the best waterfront house, then they'll go shopping for all those luxuries they couldn't afford on a window washer's wage.
All this while watching the birds pick at dead and decaying bodies of non-believers.
What would you tell someone who wants to become a JW?
by slimboyfat inwhat would be the most important things you think someone should be aware about jws if they are planning on getting baptised as a jw?
imagine you are on a plane and get talking to the person next to you.
you find out they are considering becoming a jw but they are not sure.
It depends on how deep they are.
Most who are at the point of babtism have been constantly love-bombed up till that point. So anything you say would need to break through that barrier.
I'd probably let them do most of the talking, and only ask questions in a non-confrontational manner.
Were You Ever Interrogated By The Elders?
by minimus insome elders enjoy giving the business to the lowly flock thru intimidation.
some love to ask you to enter with them into the "backroom".. of course, there were many that never had run-ins with the shepherds because they were under the radar.. did you ever get interrogatted by the elders and if so, how did it go??
Yes. Once for being seen with a "worldly" girl. We were just friends. We went to the beach together. An elder and his family were sitting right behind us. I was asked a lot of personal questions about exactlly what happened (at a public beach!).
Another time because I went to karate clases. They tried to say karate has some type of demon worship aspect to it? They asked if I prayed to any false gods there (I know WTF)?