You know things are messed up when God needs laywers to protect his assets from people who were sexually abused as children.
JoinedPosts by biometrics
Estimations for WT pay outs
by joe134cd injust wondering if anybody wants to take a stab in the dark or an estimated guess at how much the wt is paying out on sex abuse cases.
this includes legal bills as well.
if you could also state your reasons at how you came to your conclusion.
Watchtower Organisation vs North Korea
by biometrics inso i was watching a documentary on north korea.
half way through it struck me how similar north korea is with the watchtower:.
1. certian clothes are not allowed.. 2. you're restricted what you can and can't see.. 3. any foreigners visiting have their own personal tour guide to prevent you seeing the wrong things.. 4. you're not allowed to ask the critical questions.. 5. you're expected to pay hommage for the founder.. 6. the people all look lifeless and uniform.. .... but the thing that really got me, was the literature deparment in north korea.
So I was watching a documentary on North Korea. Half way through it struck me how similar North Korea is with the Watchtower:
1. Certian clothes are not allowed.
2. You're restricted what you can and can't see.
3. Any foreigners visiting have their own personal tour guide to prevent you seeing the wrong things.
4. You're not allowed to ask the critical questions.
5. You're expected to pay hommage for the founder.
6. The people all look lifeless and uniform.
But the thing that really got me, was the literature deparment in North Korea. The color and look of the books reminds me of a 1980-1990s JW literature department. Skip to 19:07 to see what I mean (e.g. watch?v=LovkrOC2lpk&t=19m7s).
Who still goes to meetings and out in field service?
by SloppyJoe injust curious as to who on here still regularly attends meetings and goes out in service?
as i sit at the district convention i can't help but think who else out in the crowd is just like me.
doesn't believe what they hear, but are still here..
Could always put an SOS letter in the magazines you place. Something along the lines of "I came to your door and gave you these magazines against my will. If I don't do it I may lose my family".
"Snakes will eat dirt in the new order."
by Comatose ini was talking with a jw i've known a long time and the topic of da new order came up.
she mentioned how nice it will be when all animals are at peace.
i asked why they had camouflage and defensive and offensive weapons if they were to always get along?
What about lions eating straw?
Or birds eating apostate's dead bodies while the JWs (and their kids) look on.
How successful we're quickly builds in your area
by joe134cd ini remember hearing about quickly builds how this was a sign of jehovah's spirit that the kh could be built in 3 days.
but what i am wondering is just how successful we're these builds.
i can think of a couple of halls that were built by the quickly built methods that i would suspect they would of lost money on.
@JakeM2012 -
I must admit finding a seat was never a problem at the KH I grew up in. Even during the memorials.
Totally corrupt website?
by Terry ina website defending two major stories connected with watchtower corruption is found here:.
there is no way to identify, rebut or reach the creator of this website to offer counter-argument.. it exist solely as propaganda as far as i can determine.
Send a message to asking them if it's an official Jehovah's Witness website.
They'll have a witch-hunt, track down the site's owner, and have them remove the site.
Obviously the owner of the site knows all the 'apostate' arguments. They must have been reading apostate websites.
How successful we're quickly builds in your area
by joe134cd ini remember hearing about quickly builds how this was a sign of jehovah's spirit that the kh could be built in 3 days.
but what i am wondering is just how successful we're these builds.
i can think of a couple of halls that were built by the quickly built methods that i would suspect they would of lost money on.
When I was a kid I remember the elder in charge of building the KH made it extra large to accomodate the influx of sheep before the "spiritual ark door gets shut".
Thirty years later the hall is still 3/4 empty during the Sunday service.
Jehovah Will Put it in Their Minds
by ctrwtf injust mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
I'm not claiming anything other than the JW interpretation doesn't fit scripture. In my opinion.
There are people who beleive Babylon the Great is the USA. I neither agree or dissagree with that assessment. I'm keeping an open mind.
Jehovah Will Put it in Their Minds
by ctrwtf injust mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
The Babylon mentioned in the old testament was a city-state. Yet the Jehovah's Witnesses somehow twist the interpretaion of "Babylon The Great" to mean all elements of worldly religions that do not adhere to biblical truth as published by the Watchtower.
Do these attributes even sound like the World Empire of False* Reigion:
* False means they do not pledge allegince to the Watchtower.
- Babylon is a great nation—the greatest in history. ("Was there ever a city like this great city?" as well as, "Babylon the Great has fallen..." as well as "…to destroy the whole country…" as well as " kindle a fire in her cities…")
- Babylon is known as an air and space power. ("And though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and fortify her skies...")
- Babylon is the "lattermost" of the nations, built in a wilderness and a desert.
- Babylon is known as a "lady"—the "Lady of Kingdoms." ("No more will you be known as the Lady of Kingdoms...")
- Babylon's business leaders are the "great men of the earth."
- Those who have ships on the sea are "made rich through trade with her."
- Babylon is the "hammer of the whole earth."
- Babylon "reigns over the kings of the earth." She is depicted as a queen with a throne, who believes her rule will never end.
- Babylon is known for her musicians. ("The voice of musicians, string players, trumpeters and flutists will be heard in you no more.")
- Babylon is known as a farming nation. ("The sound of a millstone will be heard in you no more" ... "Fine flour and wheat, wine and olive oil, horses and carriages, cattle and sheep...")
- Babylon is known for her "workmen of trade."
- Babylon is, or was, a godly nation. ("The light of the lamp will shine in you no more.")
- Babylon is the wealthiest nation on earth. ("In one hour such wealth has been brought to ruin!" Etc.)
- Babylon is a "lover of pleasure" who "lounges in her security."
- Babylon is known for being "beautiful."
- Babylon has a "mighty voice" on the earth.
- Babylon "glorifies herself" and "lives deliciously."
- Babylon is known for her pride.
- Babylon is ruled by "many counsels."
- Babylon is a "land of many waters, abundant in treasures."
- Babylon is a land of "mixed people."
- Babylon is associated with trade in body parts and with trade in slaves. ("Cargos of... bodies and souls of men.")
- Babylon is seen by others on earth as "clothed in fine linen, and decked in gold, precious stones, and pearls."
- Babylon is known for her "sumptuous things and shining splendor."
- Babylon is the "praise of the whole earth."
- Babylon is known for astrology -- "those stargazers who make predictions from month to month."
- Babylon is known for her "pharmakeia" and her "porneia." (Drugs and fornication.)
- The Roman goddess Libertas was known as the "Mother of Harlots." (A term of endearment given to Libertas by the temple prostitutes who worshiped her.) There is a statue of this goddess in New York harbor.
Growing up as a JW was a form of mental abuse for me
by Miss Fitt in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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A slight variation of the situation you describe was the beginning of the end for me. I was out in service with Dad and came to a door that was answered by one of my classmates. He was cool; he didn't tell anyone about it. But that day, I decided that I would never go out in service again. I never did, and shortly after I stopped going out in service, I stopped attending meetings as well.
I had a slight variation on my car experience. When I was in year 5 at school I had a crush on this girl in my class. For months I avoided going witnessing near her house. Whenever a map of her area came out I would cringe. I even faked twisting my ankle once.
I thought everyting was going well. I even got the courage to tell her I liked her (through a friend). And she said she liked me. I guess it must have been my first crush.
One saturday I was in the field service a long way from her house. The house we knocked on was that of her (ugly, loud mouth) best friend. Monday at school, in front of everyone, she said in a loud voice "don't EVER come knocking at my door again. We don't want your religion ... And by the way [crush's name] doesn't like you". It was one of those moments that defines your life. Or what's left of it.