The question here is not the worlds perception of JW's. But the dedication of JW's to their stated goals and purposed.
Jesus didn't give a damn what people thought about him. He said it would be almost impossible for a rich person to get into the kingdom of heaven.
Wide is the path to destruction. Narrow the way to life. The rich young ruler was discouraged because he had many possesions. JW's could add tons of members if they eliminated any of their "fences".
Since Jesus preached and practiced self-sacrifice it is strange that JW's have never developed organization procedures for making the best use of man power and resources. Current themes of self-sacrifice could easily be elaborated:
Brother Bright Student turned down his fully paid scholarship to MIT to pioneer.
Brother Businessman sold his prosperous business and now works part time as a consultant to the new owner to pioneer.
Sister Menopause had an empty nest so she decided to pioneer.
Sister Talented Singer gave up a career in music to pioneer.
But when have they said:
We have a new program for those who want to expand their service:
Groups of six families have sold their 4 bedroom homes and purchased a six-family apartment building. They all live together and share baby-sitting and food purchases so that they all can live off of part-time income and pioneer. We want to encourage this brothers and sisters. For this reason we have published a handbook of guidelines that will help you do this successfully. In the coming months we would like to see service communities of this sort all over the world. What a wonderful way for the Master of the Harvest to arrange for more workers in the field. (loud applause?)........
I am suggesting something more than the fact that JW's have not been very innovative in creating facilitative structures. I am saying that they don't have the help of God nor are they REALLY willing to rely on Jehovah to provide. After 120 years of this you would think they would be able to be a little more creative.
Jehovah's Witnesses have shown that they will do anything they are told.
So here is the real question. If JW's are exemplary in their zeal compared to other religions, then doesn't that mean that Jehovah has been unable to keep the fire going that Jesus started? "Luke 12:49 I came to start a fire on the earth"
Apparently the stones aren't speaking out either. Conclusion: there is NO evidence for a God who cares about saving as many lives as possible.