Gayle: You said: JWs go into deeper unreality mode, that 'soon' the boy will be resurrected to earth, they don't face the reality. Kind of like all those Christian killers in Iraq that are killed and go straight to heaven in their flag draped coffins. ALL religion kills their young and send them to a "better place".
JoinedPosts by proplog2
I dont understand the hate...
by JamesWind ini grew up as a jehovah's witness.
my mother was uneducated and so we moved every 2-4 years as she tried to find stable enough work to support a child so ive attended many kingdom halls and have known many witnesses and many elders.
i've never gone back to the witness organization and never will.
James: I think you are making very good points. I've done some whining too. I wish I could erase some of those posts because I realize that it is not my typical mood. It's really a game they play on this forum. "Ain't it terrible...that JW's.... They hardly ever say "terrible" compared to what? Many here forget the murderous history of ALL religion. And they especially forget that JW's make up a Nation of all sorts of people who have beaten their swords into ploughshares. Jesus was unambiguous about the need for his followers to be separate from the world. The JW organization didn't invent that Idea - Jesus did.
Love wants contact with an object. Initially the contact is passive - through eyes and facial expression. It then moves to a more active stage of examination and attending to the object. Hate is moving AGAINST an object. Fear is moving away from an object. There is ALWAYS an object/objective to emotion. Sometimes the object is merely in one's imagination.
Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others
by BurnTheShips ininteresting!
any ideas why?.
princeton, nj -- republicans are significantly more likely than democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent, according to data from the last four november gallup health and healthcare polls.
Republicans perceive having mental problems as a weakness. They are afraid of going insane.
Meanwhile, back in Iraq nice Christian soldiers kill children and innocent adults and call it collateral damage. The trail of death left by JW's is very small compared to the warmongering idiots who call themselves Christian.
Sperm is cheap. Eggs are expensive.
by snowbird inthat got me out of the wt organization.
john 35 -38jesus said, "i am the bread of life.
the person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.
That scripture doesn't prove anything. Or at least you haven't explained how it justifies your judgement of JW's. This is a good example of the semantic fog ALL religionists walk around in. Of course the JW haters here don't need explanations for their hate. And that's a nice case of hypocrisy in itself. Follow Jesus & Hate. Join a war-mongering religion and kill your fellow man - pre-emptively before they can kill you.
Why have things changed?
by nvrgnbk inaccording to the old testament, yahweh/jehovah regularly and violently made himself manifest.. according to the new testament, there were miraculous works performed to prove that the messiah was who he said he was and that his followers were authentic.. why are there no such public manifestations of jehovah/yahweh/jesus/holy spirit today?
i say public because some individuals describe very personal experiences detailing some sort of miracle or divine intervention in their lives, most often at a low or desperate point.
i have no interest in discounting such personal experiences.
Auld Soul: It does seem like an epic star trek movie! The funny thing is that, conjuring up these Science Fiction scenarios, at least leaves your brain in one piece. If you take the Bible at face value you start to hate the main character.
Why have things changed?
by nvrgnbk inaccording to the old testament, yahweh/jehovah regularly and violently made himself manifest.. according to the new testament, there were miraculous works performed to prove that the messiah was who he said he was and that his followers were authentic.. why are there no such public manifestations of jehovah/yahweh/jesus/holy spirit today?
i say public because some individuals describe very personal experiences detailing some sort of miracle or divine intervention in their lives, most often at a low or desperate point.
i have no interest in discounting such personal experiences.
Jehovah was a "nationalistic" God.
The Israelites needed a God like all the other nations
so they would be able to be occupy and defend their territory.
Occupying a territory means you have to kill others who try to impinge on your boundaries.
Jesus was sent to the earth (trans-dimensional travel/ not REALLY virgin birth)
to change people from a nationalistic orientation
to a planetary/universal paradigm.
The capital of the earth is the New Jerusalem - the Jerusalem above.
The objective of miracles was to give a degree of potency to the new model.
Miracles were just a way to guarantee the new model would be recorded in the
best way humans had of transferring information to future generations - written word.
It was necessary for the initial effort to fail so
that a new nation could be formed at the critical
point in history where that new nation would serve
as an example of the survival value of a
international brotherhood free of nationalism.
The objective was never to convince the whole world
by means of miracles (cognitive bribes). Humans have to
experience the contrast between destructive nationalism
and the conserving power of cooperation. -
Why the molestation issue won't bring down JW's
by proplog2 in?molestation is not a problem unique to jws.
it happens all the time everywhere.
it is a human problem.
Oompa: I agree that parents carry the greatest responsibility in protecting their children from harm.