Not in the slightest! How could I miss something when I have such an incredible replacement?
My new "God" is Science, Reason, and Philosophy. Better than my past imaginary friend who only ever made me feel guilty and confused.
if you are one of the posters on here who has got to the point where you do not believe in god to any great extent, do you miss "him".
i find that i rarely used to ask god for anything, or load him up with my problems, everybody elses were far more urgent, but i did used to feel moved to praise him when i saw the beauties of creation, a sunset etc.. i now feel an urge to still do that, but do not believe anyone is listening, do you get moments like that ?.
Not in the slightest! How could I miss something when I have such an incredible replacement?
My new "God" is Science, Reason, and Philosophy. Better than my past imaginary friend who only ever made me feel guilty and confused.
23 baby and learning as much as I can from a wise and *ehem* mature group of people.
if events like the recent school shooting in newtown are to be avoided from here on out, we must understand who or what is to blame.
there is a reason that it happend, maybe it was simple or maybe it was very complex, but this didn't just simply happen.
a series of events transpired that inspired or even just allowed adam lanza to commit this terrible atrocity.
Don't patronize yourself sooner7nc, an assault rifle CAN be used for self protection, but it is far more powerful than what is necessary in almost all cases, that is the point.
why don't established religions care about ron wyatt's archaelogical findings confirming the bible?
what does that reveal about them?
have you any idea?.
Kosonen said:
And to you requiring that Ron Wyatt needs diplomas from universities before he can say something:
If a child sees the king is naked, he does not need diplomas to be able to convince.
Are you honestly comparing the extremely disciplined and complex skill of interpreting archeological artifacts, which takes years of hard work and study, to the simple task of identifieying whether a guy is wearing his pants or not? Apples and oranges my friend.
if events like the recent school shooting in newtown are to be avoided from here on out, we must understand who or what is to blame.
there is a reason that it happend, maybe it was simple or maybe it was very complex, but this didn't just simply happen.
a series of events transpired that inspired or even just allowed adam lanza to commit this terrible atrocity.
Yohan said:
Gun free zones are the problem. All the mass shootings happen in gun free zones. My dozens of guns have never killed anyone nor have my many thousands of cartridges or the tens of thousands of rounds that I've already fired.
Your statement frightens me. People like you are allowing these crimes to happen. You might reverse that claim by saying that if it was not a 'gun free zone' there would have been people with guns to shoot and kill the shooter. What the hell kind of country do you want to live in? You want children in schools to be surrounded by guns all the time giving them the impression that more guns equals more safety? If you want the ability to protect yourself and others learn karate, boxing, or Jiu-Jitsu. Thats a form of defense you and you alone can use, not like an assult rifle where any crazy person can pick it up and be a killing machine. Most if not all of the recent public mass shootings involve an assault rifle. Assault rifles are not meant for protection, they are meant for mass homicide. That is what is most to blame. Allowing irresponsible people, Lanza, easy access to incredibly dangerous weapons.
Are you willing to part with just one type of gun to prevent more of these atrocities?
if events like the recent school shooting in newtown are to be avoided from here on out, we must understand who or what is to blame.
there is a reason that it happend, maybe it was simple or maybe it was very complex, but this didn't just simply happen.
a series of events transpired that inspired or even just allowed adam lanza to commit this terrible atrocity.
If events like the recent school shooting in Newtown are to be avoided from here on out, we MUST understand who or what is to blame. There IS a reason that it happend, maybe it was simple or maybe it was very complex, but this didn't just simply happen. A series of events transpired that inspired or even just allowed Adam Lanza to commit this terrible atrocity. The only way to REALLY fix a problem is to FULLY understand WHAT is BROKEN. So again, who or what is to blame? Only Lanza? Poor gun control laws? Poor parenting? Poor school security? Poor access to health care for the psychologically ill? Thevgrowing entertainment culture of violent video games? Or is it even deeper than these? Let's not discuss just yet how to fix it, lets discuss WHAT is broken. Yet again, the question is, WHO or WHAT is to blame for the Newtown school shooting?
hey everyone,.
so it's been over a year and this saturday i'm going to the hall.
can you help to prep me for what sort of emotions and feelings might come rushing in?
Hey everyone,
So it's been over a year and this Saturday I'm going to the hall. Can you help to prep me for what sort of emotions and feelings might come rushing in? The reason I'm going is because its my sister's wedding. That's right, my only sister is getting married this Saturday. I'm trying to get excited about it but its not easy. See she never invited me, in fact I never heard about it from my sister or parents or any family member for that matter. I heard about it through the grape vine. I sent my sister an email to ask if I could come and she replied that I could, in no more than a few words. Seeing all my family and friends for the first time in over a year will make for some teary eyes on my part, but I just want to know if you have any advice. How would you recommend preparing mentally for such an experience? What should I do or not do? I'm just making sure that I handle this situation in the best way possible.
Thank you,
"we should be mindful".
"What do you think, was it created or did it come about by chance?"
NIETHER! Way to limit the options so that natural selection isn't one of them.
Pretty much all other anti-evolutionary statements piss me off not because they're bashing or misrepresenting it, but because that is the only info and viewpoint on evolution that witnesses are getting. They're not hearing the other side of the coin.
so one of the things both me and my wife are faced with is breaking the news that we've stopped going to meetings to our parents.
my wifes parents could go either way, they have made several critical remarks of the wt over the years, while my parents are die hard jw's.
i tossed the idea around of sending a letter or doing a phone call or just not saying anything.. we've decided that were just tired of having to hide our true feelings and play pretend.
Buckle up, telling my parents was the worst experience of my life and it still haunts me everyday. I took the revealing process as slow as I could - years -
and still, when they realized that prayer and extra study of thier publications would not fix my doubts, they acted as if I had died. The thing that did make it
slightly better was trying to get them to see it from an EMOTIONAL viewpoint, not from a rational viewpoint. Don't line of facts disproving the watchtower,
instead pour your heart out and relate to them that you really have tried hard to and want to believe, but you just cant anymore. Worst thing you could do
is share "apostate" info with them. Don't be critical, be doubtful.
All the best,
november 9, 2012 | events & activities.
annual meeting reportfood at the proper timean audience of thousands listened to encouraging reports and an exciting discussion of matthew 24:45-47 at the 128th annual meeting of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.. .
So they spew out all this shit telling the followers that they are their possessions, then they get a bunch of innocent children to sing a song they wrote about blindly obeying them, and then they get everyone including the children to sing another song that they also wrote about about how great they are. What a bunch of sad adoration craving little old men the fds are.