After seeing Interstellar and now this. It really makes you think how far can we possibly go.
after seeing interstellar and now this.
After seeing Interstellar and now this. It really makes you think how far can we possibly go.
sorry for the caps but... this movie was incredibly amazing!
this film will probably win a lot of oscars.
more than an hour's worth of footage has been shot in 70mm so it is worth seeing it in imax.
Sorry for the caps but... this movie was incredibly amazing! This film will probably win a lot of Oscars. More than an hour's worth of footage has been shot in 70mm so it is worth seeing it in IMAX. Also the the music score is amazing, it captures the vastness and emptiness of space.
why else would he constantly bring up "gay-inspired" clothing when speaking to such large audiences?.
nothing wrong with being gay.
but he should just come out of the closet already and stop all this stupidity... just saying.. .
Guys is there any video footage of this socks/yoga pants talk? If so can anyone post the link, please.
website owners can get reports of ip addresses that visit their website.
it would be funny to find out if this site gets regular visits from wt locations.
what about proxies? Do they block that as well? I'm sure there is a work around, you just have to know how to do it.
door to door: meet the father daughter team of jehovah's witnesses.. .
not my cup o tea for sure, but i found out my nephew is a regular zombie on the show.. anyone here like the show?
i'm kinda afraid to even watch it imagination is a bit to active.. .
Yep I'm a fan! I watched Season 5 premier and the first scenes were a little disturbing.
i was publicly reproved last year and the elders have taken their sweet time in reinstating my "privileges".
it's been six months and i can't answer at the meetings or participate in the theocratic ministry school.
in all honesty- i don't care about the privileges.
Well I'm not a girl but I have similar problems, I'm 21 and my mother only cares about the cult. The elders are always watching me. Not too long ago I was told to 'work out' with moderation because I was starting to look really big. A lot of the people my age in the cong talk a lot of trash and are arrogant pricks. I don't really have any friends there. Sometimes I feel like you and I feel sick of everyone and want to give up but I always encourage myself to continue looking for a better future for myself. Try to always be yourself, don't let anyone change who you really are.
ok so me and my husband were talking to his mum again about why we are no longer going to meetings and got into another pointless discussion where she feels he needs to talk to an elder about his issue's blah, blah, blah... round and round it went...... the thing i wanted to ask was if anybody had heard that there wont be any gb after these one's die??
this is something she mentioned today and we have never heard of this ever.
so it means no more will be appointed and they will just die off!
I highly doubt that. Who will control the cult if "doomsday" doesn't come?
oh wow..... i have just seen the cover picture for the november awake!.
sorry, i don't know how to post a picture here....(perhaps someone else can assist?).
it is just plain creepy.. the article is called "keys to a happy life".... but the looks on the faces say something different!
More cult material
with their advancement into web based programming and their soon to be broadcast meetings the need for a physical meeting place is quickly diminishing.
i predict that the large scale sell-of of kingdom halls will begin in the next few years as the people get their meetings online.
the one thing that would be missed with a liquidation of kh halls is "upbuilding" association which will force the society into creating a jw social media app which will not only allow for association but close monitoring of the pubs.