i am doing it for the first time ever i think because i can. i did not go wild once iknew TTATT. i guess i realized how the witnesses pick and choose what is pagan and can be done. wedding rings and their pagan origins and the glorifying anniversary parties made me realize they could celebrate christmas if they wanted and be no less culpable than they are now. i love having the freedom to choose now. my bf is atheist but celebrates for the family togetherness. just about everything has a pagan origin of some sort.
JoinedPosts by joyfulfader
Celebrating Christmas?????
by DATA-DOG ini am just curious, and not judging.
if you are a christian and you know that december 25th is not jesus' birthday, and may have pagan roots, then why celebrate it?
i was raised a dub as most of you know, and have learned the ttatt so i know how wrong they are about a lot.
Meeting with my family doctor...
by NVR2L8 ini needed a prescription renewed and found out my old doc retired...met my new doc and took this opportunity to update my medical record...removed the no blood transfusion clause from my file.
i told the doctor that inconsistencies within my church's doctrines made it impossible for me to put my life at risk for no valid reason.
after throwing out my medical directive card, amending my medical record is another step toward totally breaking free from the cult.
It was so freeing to update all my medical records to erase the JW status and emphasize that I WILL indeed accept blood. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted!!
New video: Stephen Lett warns about "Women's Lip"
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=citaz613koc.
I remember about 15 yrs ago when my ex husband and I were at the book study and the conductor made a mistake in his comments. I had to say something to my elder husband to tell him about it...it was a big mistake that no one else caught and i was praised for my allowing my husband to take the credit. My subjection was supposedly worthy to be imitated or some drivel such as that. I felt like a second class citizen and angry that I was not deemed good enough to mention his error even in private. Never again!!!
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
I was stalked many years ago as I was reevaluating things. Unfortunately I decided to go back was the lesser of two evils. I am now fading. 2 yrs ago meeting attendance became sporadic and a little over a yr ago I stopped all together. I have been contacted by an elder who I suspect has his own doubts because he has no interest in trying to persuade me to return. I have had a couple of "encouraging" calls from ones bemoaning the idea that my child and I are about to endure a horrible death at Armageddon if I don't attend meetings again. I told this person I would rather die this death she believes will happen rather than be viciously verbally attacked by ignorant people like herself. I have had no more calls. And if I am approached for anything judicial I will most certainly include a lawyer because I have done nothing to warrant such and WILL fight.
Do the elders have "clear direction" that it's ok to use an ipad at meetings?
by nochoice ini read this post more than a year ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/212313/1/watchtower-publications-for-ipad.
since i saw it, i've been waiting for the first brother or sister to show up at the hall with an ipad to see what happens.
a little here and there at the conventions and assemblies.
I have not set foot in a KH for a year...yippee. But I was using my iPad because I was going so sporadically that I never kept up with what we were studying. What could be downloaded then was limited. Watchtower, the book study book (can't remember title) and the bible. I was only one to use it. Got lots of comments. Nothing negative. It was the only cool thing about going to that place by that time.
I have not gone to a KH in a year now. I have begun celebrating bdays and being a regular "worldly" person. I don't claim any religion. I just started the online dating thing. POF (plenty of fish) is mainly guys looking to hook up. It was more of a meat market scene. I was receiving innumerable messages every day and was completely overwhelmed. I went on 3 dates. Went out with one person for about 8 weeks. No chemistry. And I found out he was less than honest about several things. I have been on eharmony for about 3 weeks. The men seem to be better quality but I am still not finding anything yet. Dating in general has it's perils but the key is being happy with yourself first. Be confident and strong. The right guy is not afraid of a strong, attractive, intelligent woman. And women love a responsible, confident, attractive man. Your chances of meeting the right person have exponentially grown now that you r not confined to the small pool of potentials in the org. Just make sure you r emotionally healthy before adding another person. Just my take :)
Update on Candace Conti's Case
by mind blown injust ran upon this info:.
candace conti beats the watchtower society!submitted by teeny on august 27, 2012 - 9:22 pm .
I truly hope this gives others the strength to take on the society. It will take more than one to topple the evil giant. I am so glad Candace won (at least at this moment). It makes me ill to think of how vehemently the lawyers for the WTS are fighting for the rights of a child molester to cover their tracks and mistakes. The God I want to worship would have nothing to do with such a vile, hypocritical organization...I mean, cult.
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
I am not sure what talk 22 says but I am most definitely using this as an example ONLY for animals. It's ok guys...u can keep ur guy parts lol. I have never heard of this kind of thing in humans and I think castration would not be considered an option even if it was. though perhaps there are a few people out there who should not procreate...
Fear of discussing doubts
by KingAgag inwhen i was having doubts about being a jehovah's witness, i was terrified to talk about them to anyone.
i knew that having a different opinion than the watchtower was 'wrong'.. i wrote about my experience here - http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/real-life-experiences/fear-discussing-doubts/.
please share your experiences too!.
I have one friend to talk to without fear of repercussions but that friend is in a very different place in life. Leaving for my friend is more of a rebellion and it has become a time to do all the things we were never allowed to do. We r on entirely different life paths but I can speak freely about all my doubts. I have no one else except my therapist who is WONDERFUL. It is a very isolating feeling to have so much to say and no one who can listen without tattling. I so want my parents to understand but they can't. My new friends can't understand the dynamics of the JW family and the conditional love. I can say things but they don't understand the fear associated with having an opinion. The fear of shunning is a concept that others cannot understand especially when it involves parents and children. They don't think it actually happens and try to downplay the possibility that one can lose their family forever over having differing religious perspectives.
Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!
by IMHO ina controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
I think all pets should be spayed/neutered. There are so many people that don't do this and end up with a litter or 2 or 3 of unwanted babies that end up in shelters only to be put to sleep or sent to abusive homes. The first dog I ever had was the only pet that wasn't neutered right away. He was an indoor dog and wasn't very sociable so he was never around other dogs. When he was about 13 he developed ulcerations on his testicles and the vet told us that it was because of the years of unused built up testosterone. He recommended having him neutered at 13 to remedy the problem. It worked and he lived ulcer free for 3 more years. So I whole heartedly agree that it is imperative to spay and neuter.