Def check with a lawyer. Apparently there is legislation in the works to take away the power of the HOA. They sued me for $1000 for non existent weeds and did not tell me and my lawyer said they are very hard to sue and are not afraid of the individual homeowner. Since it was not disclosed at closing you may have a shot. Depends on where you live and the state laws.
JoinedPosts by joyfulfader
HOA suing us any help?
by Crazyguy injust thought i would ask in case any of you have had any experience with a home owners association.
i'm being sued for not paying dues and other fines and went to a mediation hearing a while ago.
we explianed that we we never informed of the hoa when we bought the home and never signed any agreement, infact i was very explicit with everyone involved in the buying proccess to make sure there was no hoa since i did not want to buy if there was one.
Letter in the mail to attend memorial
by truthhurts13 inso im cleaning out some old mail i have, then lo and behold a envelope falls out with a memorial invitation.
i don't remember getting it, but it was sent in the regular mail to my house with a typed letter inviting me to the 2013 memorial.
i can't believe i don't remember getting it!
I don't understand the purpose of going to her at the KH at this point or any other to say anything. Sometimes dignity calls for silence. Makes no sense to fuel a fire and propagate the notion that everyone out is "mentally diseased".
Are foreign-language groups at a disadvantage when learning TTATT?
by ILoveTTATT inthe watchtower library cd in spanish only goes back to watchtowers of 1970. this means that, for example, 's info regarding blood can only be confirmed in articles from then onward.
english-speaking jw's can access information on watchtowers going back to 1950. this means that the "worship jesus" article (1954) is not available, the "we officially ban organ transplants" (1967) is not available, etc.. congregations in the u.s. and canada have had witnesses since... well... the beginning.
most kh libraries have very old books; it is relatively easy to find books going back to the very first watchtower!!
Absolutely. I am a Spanish interpreter and had much interaction with the Spanish congregations in the area and even contemplated moving over to one. There is virtually no way for them to find out TTATT unless they speak AND read English which a vast majority in this area cannot. It is a very insulated community with families speaking only Spanish especially with older family members. I am extremely close friends with a woman who has been studying with witnesses for yrs. I have been completely upfront with about my leaving and several reasons why. She said she will forever refuse to shun me. I am hoping she sees it for what it is...
Board of bitterness
by 1009 ini always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
Of course we all had different experiences. Depends on the circles you were part of, the people you knew as well as your status and the status of your family. The familiar illustration of the blind men describing an elephant. We only see the parts we are exposed to. It's great that you don't have residual effects but deciding for everyone else that they have no right to feel them is irrational and unproductive. I come to the board because I can keep up with the latest JW thinking. It's helpful since I haven't been to a kh in 2 years. I stay in the loop of the latest "light" so when my parents mention something I know what they are speaking of. Keeps me ahead of the game without dealing with the org. Perhaps being less critical of the pain of others would better you as a person now that you are out and happy. Perhaps you could use that happiness and freedom to encourage and inspire others rather than perpetuate the guilt. Some are just bitter and out to incite discord. Do you enjoy being one of them? Just curious.
Board of bitterness
by 1009 ini always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
btw...i did not keep it hush hush...they leave me alone ;)
Board of bitterness
by 1009 ini always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
while i truly believe u can think what u want, you were obviously either closing your eyes or not in the loop those 30 yrs...bullying and abuse is a regular thing. maybe its all religion. i dont know. dont plan on finding out. i do know u are wrong on that point. its not the minority. Most just keep it hush hush to stay out of the "back room". But by all means, live in your fantasy world. We are all entitled to one :) Enjoy!
I'm thinking about going back
by Corboy101 ini have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
I don't see why anyone is trying to convince anyone not to go back. We do not have to live with the consequences of their choices which in turn is how they cannot possibly understand how many of us feel who are in fact living with the consequences of our own choices (however they may have played out).
Let them go back. It's their life. There are those out there comfortable enough being controlled. Let them be rather than waste time trying to save them when they obviously don't want or need to be saved. Rescuing a lost puppy is more noble than trying to "save" or rationalize with someone whose only goal is to incite trouble.
Again...go back and have fun. Good luck.
Going to Kingdom Hall for first time
by InChristAlone insince my family is out of town, and i am alone this weekend, i have decided to attend this once to see these things for myself.
have no fear, i have absolutely no interest in joining.
my goal is simply to better understand how to reach those who are on the inside, and i feel i could better do that by observing it.
When I was still in I went to a KH in the islands. They were extremely nice and took us to lunch and then the airport on another island. Small cong but very very nice. I don't think just being a visiting JW makes them drop you, it's only if u decide to stay or get baptized. I thing then you r considered able to fend for yourself and let loose. It is rarely about friendship sadly. I don't miss that place.
Pranksters Help Homeless Man
by Badfish inthis video was posted by a prank youtube channel i'm subscribed to.
i promise you won't be disappointed.. .
They really did a very kind thing for that man. I hope he uses this brief window of opportunity to better his life.
Baffling comment by my JW parents about non-witness funeral
by joyfulfader inmy parents attended the funeral of an elderly family member today.
being out of state i was unable to attend.
i asked how it went and was told that "worldly" people don't care enough about anyone to mention anything personal.
When my husband died suddenly when I was 30 they spent maybe 3 minutes talking about the person he was. I don't think I have ever forgiven them...