They would definately have had more porn talks.
JoinedPosts by Betheliesalot
Too bad the internet didn't exist in 1975..
by nowwhat? inthe organization would probably have lost 50 % of its membership.
just a thought..
Let’s play JW buzzword bingo.
by HiddenPimo inclick here for source of material, governing body letters.
i highlight only these words when studying my wt.. buzz words used in watchtower publications.
the next time that you read a book or magazine published by the watchtower bible and tract society, see how many of these buzz words and phrases you come across.this clearly shows .
"some brothers" " a sister in france was..." "philip, a brother, was at work ..." "Nancy , a sister, commented that she studied every night..." They love to have annomonious sources that think exactly what they are printing.
How many hours of field service are now required?
by new boy into be a publisher?.
an auxiliary pioneer?.
an regular pioneer?.
So there is a god that is keeping tabs on all this rubbish, nonsense.
Do you have a Watchtower fantasy?
by pleaseresearch inpicture yourself, it's the last day of a three day district assembly.
your sitting in a near full to capacity football stadium.
people are eagerly looking forward to the final talk.
mine is on the final prayer when they go on and on and think that many words can get them a gold star, after a reasonable time has passed, to just break prayer protocol and start getting our supplies and heading out the door. Some of the higher ups just go on and on, so Im gone on and away. They are told so many minutes, so i just get up and leave.
Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch
by UnshackleTheChains ini was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
didn't take time to read wow 41 pages so far, just gonna capture this episode on my phone and expose his ass just a little more....
I dont understand why KH's are less attractive than churches
by nowawake14 ini mean, come on.
if they call themselves the "true", then why are most kingdom halls not as attractive as churches and dont do any better?.
They preach don't work for things in this system , so likewise they follow thru with their frugal shelter in this system of things, because in just a few months it will all come to an end. However this doesn't apply to headquarters where the GB lives like kings with palatial buildings that rival something trump would be proud of.
Do you have a Facebook account, important message
by Tameria2001 ini'm not sure where to put this under, but i got a message from my anti-virus service.
they were informing me that facebook left everyone's password open for any employee of facebook to see.
they strongly recommended people to change their password to their facebook account.
Wish someone would invent the next facebook, and maybe call it myspace or something.
Anyone know any former long time Bethelites or circuit overseers?
by BourneIdentity inas you know, when you work your whole life, you pay into social security.
at retirement, you collect a paycheck from the government based on a percentage of income you drew for all those years.
do any of you know anyone that had been at bethel for decades and then were laid off?
. One Witness was so appreciative of the help that when she received payment from her insurance company to cover the repairs to her house, she immediately donated the money to the relief fund so that it could help others in need
This is a made up story so out of the ordinary that only Uber Jws will believe it and awe that fool. Articles in any of their magazines have so many stories similar to this, because they never mention any source where you can fact check any of their articles.
The Mueller Report....will it affect Trump negatively?
by minimus inthey say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
If anything all the leaks have shown not much there there. Seems more interest today about USC and students ratting each other out as to their parents helping them get a leg up on others. As dems use to say about Ben Gazi, its an old story, lets move on
The Astrodome DC's
by 5go ini sort of miss it.
though i am not missing the dc's, though i wish i could.(pun).
share you memories of the dc's held at the astrodome.. i alway sat in the grey sections.. i remember hearing about an attendant decking some one on the field during a baptism.
Had to bump this forward and ask if anyone remembers the giant plywood wall that was erected on the field that fell over during a break and landed on top of 2 brothers. Made such a loud noise, that everyone gasped . They were taken out on stretchers , does anyone recall this and what happened to the two. Asked around and no one tells like its a secret. This was in maybe 1983 or 84. There was quite a few mishaps in houston area back then. Like when they were building the assembly hall in rosenberg and 2 brothers fell off the roof and died. Another hush hush incident as if Jehovah was neglecting his flock, so don't talk about it.