JoinedTopics Started by teenyuck
I met Logansrun and Amazing Yesterday....
by teenyuck inyesterday i was in chicago on a business trip with my husband.
we flew into chicago wednesday night and left yesterday afternoon.
yesterday, for lunch, i got to hook up with logansrun and amazing.
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by teenyuck ini just noticed that the chicago cubs are winning!!!!
i will not be here to see your comments....only during commercials.
i saw the whole game last night and all i can say is kerry wood is a stud!!
Research Linking Wealth, Religion Shows JWs Among the Poorest
by teenyuck inhere is a very interesting article from today's local paper.
a reseacher from ohio state university is showing that american jews develop substantially more wealth than christians, including jws, based upon education and early investments...... .
http://www.dispatch.com/news-story.php?story=dispatch/2003/09/25/20030925-c1-04.htmlosu sociologists study jews criticize research linking wealth, religion thursday, september 25, 2003felix hoover the columbus dispatch .
Britney Spears Likes George Bush!!
by teenyuck inshe may have boobies; brains are another thing...... been meaning to post this for awhile....simon, i know will appreciate that his goddess has a different opinion....... http://atheism.about.com/b/a/023941.htmseptember 06, 2003. britney spears likes george bush.
many actors and entertainers have been outspoken critics of president george bush, but especially of his policies in the middle east.
quite a few have openly condemned his invasion of iraq and the subsequent occupation.
China 'Open-Crotch Pants' Face Extinction
by teenyuck inhttp://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/china_the_pants_dilemma
china 'open-crotch pants' face extinction
mon sep 15, 2:19 pm et
How *Welfare* Changed America......
by teenyuck infound this article in the latest us news and world report.
the issue is dealing with american milestones.
some of the articles include 100 documents that define our nation to the one i am going to post.
Evil Lifesytle Getting Country Into Trouble....
by teenyuck inhere is an editorial from today's newspaper, the columbus dispatch: evil lifestyle getting country into trouble thursday, september 11, 2003. .
when i heard about the world trade center being struck by airplanes, i thought it was because our country had become like sodom and gomorrah, with all the crime, murders, drinking, gambling, cursing, nakedness, adultery and abortion.
i thought god had lifted his protection from us, and he was letting the ungodly take over.
Scientologists Seem WORSE than the JWs!
by teenyuck inthis was in the local paper today, in the gossip section of all things: research into the church of scientology has revealed that some of hollywoods most powerful stars may have signed documents giving up their right to psychiatric care (a major concession in hollywood) and to see relatives.
tom cruise, john travolta, kirstie alley, juliette lewis and lisa marie presley are among the celebrities who could have signed contracts banning the privileges as they moved up the churchs hierarchy, the web site page six reports.
documents relating to the bans have been uncovered by david touretzky, a research professor at carnegie mellon university who has been studying the religion for six years.
by teenyuck innow, for only $19.95, you can have a bona fide hollywood celebrity call you or a loved one!
just think, you don't know what to get that special someone...have hunky lorenzo lamas call and wish her a happy birthday!
can't decide what to get for his anniversary?