JoinedTopics Started by teenyuck
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...
by logansrun inyou remember that wonderful little axiom from star trek -- the wrath of khan, right?
spock's in th radiation unit and passes on this sage advice to kirk.
gotta love vulcan wisdom.. here's an even more powerful piece of advice:.
One woman's opinion
by happyout inwhen i first came to this site, i felt enveloped with warmth.
i had finally found a group of people who could understand my continued resentment of the wts, and didn?t think i should just ?move on?.
although there were some strong disagreements and personalities, for the most part people seemed to respect one another.
I am lucky to be alive
by happyout ini don't know if anyone noticed since i'm not one of the premier posters, but i've been gone for several weeks.
unfortunately, the reason is i was in a very bad car accident.
i can't give too many details, because i don't want to be identified, but my car was hit by a semi truck on a major freeway during rush hour.
Someone is hurting
by donkey ini am writing this thread because i hope it fosters some positive communication although i may end up being deleted for it.. to start with a discliamer: i am no fan of stinkypantz posts - they just aren't that interesting to me.. that being said i now see sp was deleted.
my first reaction to that was anger.
sp posted stuff about being close to a nervous breakdown, wishing she could just "disappear" etc....she is obviously someone in pain right now.. we have been constantly censured about how this is a place of healing and we need to keep it that way for people who need healing, support and comfort.. so i only hope sp has been "temporarily suspended" (not deleted) for her own good and no because she pissed off some moderator.
Why I believe life has a purpose -- Part I
by logansrun inguiding my way out of an archaic, myopic and, at times, destructive belief system like the jehovah's witnesses was not an easy thing to do.
in fact, it was hell.
my journey left in it's wake an existential angst and an intellectual and emotional vacuum.
I met Logansrun and Amazing Yesterday....
by teenyuck inyesterday i was in chicago on a business trip with my husband.
we flew into chicago wednesday night and left yesterday afternoon.
yesterday, for lunch, i got to hook up with logansrun and amazing.
No internet after this weekend
by pamkw injust wanted to let you know after monday, i will not have internet for awhile.
since i lost my short lived job, i just can't afford it.
i can't afford anything right now.
Armageddon's not coming / The Cubs aren't going to the World Series...
by logansrun in.
...my life's been one pipe dream after another.. shocked, yet.............not.. bradley from chicago
Freaking savages--Muslim Women Killed in the West
by ashitaka inhorrible.
muslim women killed in the west.
in the middle east, muslim are women are killed for disobedience, becoming too ?westernized?