When one of the anointed (bro Diedz) died in our cong, another anointed bro (Numan, from Australia) gave the talk. He said the bro who had died was in a state much like purgatory. When I questioned him about it, he said he had misspoken, he said he meant to say that the bro had to be oriented into heaven, he could not just go directly into Heaven. I didn't think that was strange because he would be new to the place and might need to know a few things before he was allowed in. I agree with both Dawkins and you. I feel that when I die, I will just not be, much like before I was born. I don't look forward to that but what can I do about it? If I was fortunate enough to be brought back to life, I feel that the time I was not alive would be much like being asleep during surgery. I would awaken without realizing anytime had elapsed. Because I can not do anything about dying, I really don't worry about it. I do know I would not be happy in a Paradise controlled by the GB and the elders.I had not really thought about how life in Paradiase would be until someone described it on a post here. I could not abide that type of life.