I know that I am going to kicked in my a$$ for saying this, but this person is not genuine. Be careful.
over a week ago i shared that my husband was stepping down as an elder last wednesday.. well, for all those inquiring minds that want to know, my husband's efforts were a total bust.
first he talked to one elder who adamantly refused to accept his resignation.
he encouraged and demanded that he stay.
I know that I am going to kicked in my a$$ for saying this, but this person is not genuine. Be careful.
are jw's going to turn into a basicly 3rd world religion?.
hardly any new converts in western land , and lots of children leaving or not taking it seriously.. people in pourer countries need a hope , lack education , and maybe look up to people in western lands and their ideas.. so will bethel soon be in africa?
Got a question?
Remember the Daniel that was in the lions Den that later became a high ruler in, where was it, Babylon? Was that considered political, he being in a ruling position and all. Was he married? If so maybe they disfellowshipped his wife, because I don't remember reading about his wife. hahahahah
the paying attention book defines apostasy as:.
persons who deliberately spread (stubbornly hold to and .
speak about) teachings contrary to bible truth as taught .
Hiya Englishman,
teachings contrary to Bible truth as taught
by Jehovah's Witnesses are apostates.
How about leaving off ,"as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses". How about a person is considered an apostate if he teach contrary to the "Bible".
WTS have paved a dangerous road for itself in being so presumptuous in saying that they are God's spokesman.
there is a new necessity for the dateline expose'.. fairness to catholics.. the blitz of media attention has focused almost exclusively.
on the catholic church and its priests.
yet, other centralized.
I agree Metatron.
First take down the Big Tree, and it will fall on the shrubs.
hey guys,.
*** w93 7/15 27 tenderly shepherding jehovah's precious sheep ***.
jesus gave an illustration about a man who had a hundred sheep but promptly searched for one that had strayed in order to bring it back to the flock.
Hey Guys,
*** w93 7/15 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah's Precious Sheep ***
Jesus gave an illustration about a man who had a hundred sheep but promptly searched for one that had strayed in order to bring it back to the flock. (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:3-7) In like manner an overseer should have concern for each member of the congregation. Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.
One body of elders became quite concerned that some that had been associated with the congregation had drifted into inactivity. A list of these individuals was prepared, and special effort was made to visit them and assist them to return to Jehovah’s sheepfold. How thankful to God these elders were that over a period of two and a half years, they were able to help more than 30 persons to become active in Jehovah’s service once again. One of those thus helped had been inactive for some 17 years!
Even when a member of the flock becomes involved in serious wrongdoing, the elders’ responsibility does not change. They continue to be concerned shepherds, tenderly and mildly endeavoring to save the wrongdoer if at all possible. (Galatians 6:1, 2) Regrettably, in certain instances it becomes evident that a member of the congregation lacks godly sorrow for serious sins that he has committed. Loving shepherds then have a Scriptural responsibility to protect the rest of the flock against this contaminating influence.—1 Corinthians 5:3-7, 11-13.
Two elders will locate an inactive one, and notice that it is two “elders”, not an elder and a ministerial servant, but two elders will visit the inactive one. If the person is guilty of breaking any of the WT laws and they do not repent, they will be disfellowshipped. In that way these inactive ones will not be considered JWs any longer and the elders will not be responsible for them. And the name of the congregation will be above reproach, so that people in the community will not blame the congregation for any misconduct on the part of the inactive ones.
If you are inactive and are breaking any of the WT laws, you better watch your back!
i, like many on this board got baptised when still a teenager (17).. at the time i thought i knew what i was doing and could take full responsibility for my actions.. 10 years later i realise i knew very little back then compared to what i know now.. was i old enought to make my mind up?.
or could we always at any age ,be looking back at things we did wrong thinking if only i knew what i know now?.
actually how much responsibility can we hold over what we did as teenagers .weren't we pushed by the congregation and parents, we had little knowledge of anything else being force fed the "truth" since babies.. at such a young age aren't we much more vulnerable to brainwashing ?.
Hi Sleepy,
My 2 cents is, Jesus did not get baptized until he was in his thirties. The priest of Israel did not start their duties until they were in their mid twenties and thirty. And why do we suppose. Maturity, yeh?
Making a vow to serve God is the most important promise a person can make, and the second most important vow is the vow of marriage. How many times are we told that teens are too immature to to get married? That stands true. But the most important vow of all, that of serving God can be made by a teen and the teen be held to it?
i was recently visited by a jw ( he is a really nice old chap who has his own doubts) and he said 'internet' more times than you would think possible in a fairly short conversation.
either he has been told something, or there have been extra warnings against the internet at circuit assembly, co talks etc.
does anyone know if there have been extra warnings just lately?
Hey Meatpie,
Recently at the public talk a young brother gave a talk about pronagraphy on the Internet. He said that you can just be surfing and up pop a nudity scene that take you right into a pornagrahic site that you cannot get out of. No matter how he tried he just could not get it off of his screen.
LIAR! I whispered to my husband. I joined a porno site just to see what all of the exitment was about. They put me through the third degree with, how was I going to pay before I could even get in. They gave me a preveiw first, only of a very limited nude scene and asked me a series of questions even before that.
Witnesses kill me with that sheltered kind of talk. Only the sheltered ones fall for that crap. Those of us in the know, KNOW BETTER.
And by the way, I cancelled the membership the next day. Conscience killed me. Jehovah was looking.
the recent gathering of cardinals with the pope regarding the pedophile priests issue is a good sign that they are taking this most seriously.
the pope spoke out against pedophile priests and his intention to have a zero tolerance policy.
he spoke out on behalf of the victims and their affected families.
Hey Amazing,
Still reading your great post!
I don't think the WTS will address this situation head on or even subtly, because it would totally undermine their Elder arrangement policies. If the number of alleged child abusers are correct, over 23,000 on file, the WTS could not afford that kind of exposure. They would have to be "forced" to address, exspose and eliminate the situation. If that happens then the members would lose confidence in their "laws". It is a lose, lose situation for them.
It seems that they are about to receive the hardest blow in their history.
hey kent,.
i saw the new information that you put up.
the organization book?
Hey Kent,
I saw the new information that you put up. The Organization Book? The February 2002 Body of Elders letter? You are too bad. If I was single and you were too I would have to take a flight to kiss your feet.
Just love ya!
when i was young i used to love reading comic books and still have a collection.the marvel commics were always my favorite.although i liked alot of the different characters i would have to say spiderman was my favorite .i can't wait to see the movie it looks so cool from the previews.so common i know some of ya are into comics ,let's have it whose your favorite super hero or villian?
he he