We were close with a family in our hall who always told their kids to call us brother or sister,and to use our first names in front,hence I was sisterCharlene.In public they would call me that,and it made me feel like I was a nun!I always hated the brother/sister thing.It was stupid.
JoinedPosts by bittersweet
Being called brother/sister in public places
by JH inhow did you like being called brother or sister, when you were in public.
i remember once i was inside a bank waiting in line, and all of a sudden , a brother also waiting in line, said to me quite loud, hello brother x .
i felt like a jerk, being called brother in front of everyone there.
My 6 year old told his dad he couldn't go to the meeting because his nipples hurt.My husband didn't know what to say! lol
Let it Snow
by El Kabong ini woke up this morning to a true winter wonderland.
i live between baltimore and washington dc and we are having our first snow storm in a couple of years.
it really is so beautiful and quiet outside.
The snow is truly beautiful.....we have 7 1/2 inches here.But like DJ,handling kids ever changing minds makes enjoying it a little difficult.You spend you're whole day bundling and unbundling kids about 50 times!But it's worth it when you see the big frozen smiles on their faces!
What is Your Personality Type?
by Robdar inwhat is your personality type?
take one of the tests below and then post your results.
i have taken this type of test many times.
Apparantly,I have a multiple personality disorder
by Mary inwhat's the worse thing you ever did while drunk (assuming we've all been drunk).........when i was 16, we all got blitzed out of our minds at a witness wedding that happened to take place on hallowe'en.
anyway, on our way home we thought it'd be funny to whip eggs at passing cars.
unfortunately, the first (and last) car i hit was a cruiser.......i realized this as the egg was in mid-air.
I went out with some friends to a club,and we rented a lime so we wouldn't have to drive.Apparantly on the ride home I offered the limo driver a blow-job(I do not remember this).Thank god my friends saved me before he could answer!!!That was the last time I mixed shots with beer!
Head Coverings as a Sign of Submission
by jgnat inthis topic came up in chat.
as an outsider looking in, i find the whole "throw a napkin on your head, quick" thing ludicrous at best.
it seems a lot of women resent the practice as humiliating and degrading.
Mouthy,you always seem to have the best stories......bread on the head?that is the best!!!!!
I'm with sunny,they can stick all those coverings where the sun don't shine!!!!!
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K in.
how do i get over a broken heart?
my daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and i miss her...i have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...how do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?i need some help...thank you.... .
LB,it is a little harder for Nancy because she used to be close to her granddaughter.
Now there is no contact at all.
Hope things will be looking up soon for you Nancy,with your health and with your granddaughter.Know that lot's of people here are thinking about you!
Micheal Jackson: Bubbles isn't the only victim...
by WingCommander injust felt i would address the mj issue seperate from the below posts.
all of mj's problems started with the jw's.
it's very obvious.
I can remember back in the 80's when there was an article in People Magazine about Michael Jackson being a witness.There were even pictures of the Awake and Watchtower Magazines!I can also remember being at a convention and seeing some brothers walking around wearing one white glove!I wonder how long they had those gloves on before they were reprimanded,lol.Does anyone remember when Janet was on "Different Strokes"?She looked so young and innocent!
All I can say is they are one messed up family,and I do agree that alot of it was their upbringing in the JW's,and also a tyrannical father.Certain men are drawn to that religion because of the power they wield over people.They are the heads of their household,and their family is to be in submission to them.That's just my thought.
Hello, just thought I'd share my newbie story
by WingCommander insince i am new on this forum, just thought i'd share my story.
(though it seems typical on here) born into jw's.
parent's nutty jw friends told them to raise children like nazi's, and not allow them to do anything, or associate with anyone other than jw kids.
Welcome!Nice to have you with us.
I too grew up a witness.Most of the memories aren't the best,but it could have been worse.I am just glad to be away from it now!
I look foward to reading your posts.
A Question To All You Women Out There
by SpannerintheWorks inyour partner gets home from work, and he's in a shitty mood.
he kicks the cat (twice) and the doors are hanging off their hinges.
1. say: did you have a bad day at the office, dear?.
xena,you crack me up!How did you know that's just what I would do too!Although the valium's a good idea too!:)