I feel relatively safe in my town.The biggest crimes that happen here are probably shop-lifting.It's actually funny reading the police reports in our local paper(that comes out only on Fridays).A lady called the police around x-mas time to report that someone had rearranged the reindeer decorations on her front lawn into sexual positions.That's probably the worst of it.High school kids and drugs are a problem though,but that's like any other town.
I do get nervous sometimes because we have a military base in our town.My youngest started attended kindergarten on the base the month of the terrorist attacks,and it was a little frightening sending him out there.Just to get out there you had to go through the third degree.I think it's one of the only bases in the country where civilians attend school.Listening to all the jets flying overhead can be a bit disconcerting.Like Auntiem said,you know somethings up when you hear an increase in that!