It's all business. The publishing company in disguised as a religious orgarnization.
JoinedPosts by blindnomore
Norwegian branch up for sale
by InquiryMan inthe norwegian branch, as well as the swedish one, are now up for sale and the scandinavian headquarters will be located at the present danish bethel..
this news even made it to the national radio news yesterday.. .
What Percentage Of Family/Friends Do You Miss?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis ini have not experienced "shunning" yet, i have observed jehovah's witnesses shunning members who are not disfellowshiped, i think this has to do with selfishness inheritant in this religion.
christianity is a religion of giving, jesus wanted his members to share their goods with people who could not return the favor.
he promised his father in heaven would repay generous hearts who looked out for father-less boys and widows.. fine and dandy, but in the real world, quid-pro-qou matters, returning meal for meal, gift for gift and party for party does maintain your social status in the congregation.
It may sound harsh but the truth is that none of them(including your own family)are your friends in the first place.
They are, as well as you were, simply 'the cult members' before being friend, husband, wife, parents, son, daughter, uncle, grandparent,......
It doesn't matter why one get df'ed or not being one of them any more, the cult members will react the way how they were programed.
There's nothing exiting one from the cult can do about the system. It's truly ashame but it's what it is.
Fortunately, there are real people with normal human heart and mentality exist outside of the cult wall.
It's time to make real friend, not fake or conditional ones, who will love you and be there for you for being who you are not what you are.
I am sorry Bubblgum, 1914, and others who are facing this painful reality. You are about to find out the contract was conditional and you don't need fake ones. Let them be who they really are. Hope they will awake someday as we have.
Bottom line, I am grateful that I don't have to deal and wast remaining life with fake ones anymore.
I miss 0% of fake ones.
Hear ye!hear ye!!!!Take notice
by mouthy intomorrow the 22nd i will be 85 years old .
good wishes only please,remember if you say something nasty i will cry.
and my mum told me it is a sin to cry on your birthday .
Happy 85th Birthday!!
Spelling/Grammar Nazis.
by Low-Key Lysmith ini'll admit it.
it kinda gets my goat when folks disregard spelling and grammar.
i really get miffed at misuse of there/their/they're and your/you're, then/than, etc.. i very rarely ever go so far as to correct anyone on it, but it would seem that maybe karma caught up with me today on another thread when i typed that i had "said my peace".
I get away with murder. Not an native English Speaking.
6/15 WT - WT Society can Run it's Business - but JW's Can't Have their Own
by flipper inin the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the wt society puts forth in this current wt study article ( jw's only wt ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for jehovah's witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even have a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " .
the guilt and control used here is ridiculous.
in the article titled , " why put jehovah's service first ?
skeeter1..LOL! Well described. (my husband and I are dead now)
6/15 WT - WT Society can Run it's Business - but JW's Can't Have their Own
by flipper inin the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the wt society puts forth in this current wt study article ( jw's only wt ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for jehovah's witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even have a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " .
the guilt and control used here is ridiculous.
in the article titled , " why put jehovah's service first ?
What happened with my post? It posted as one huge paragraph. How tiring to read it! Sorry readers.
I told my husband he can blame it on his mentaly deseased apostate wife for our business.
"You can't go to the college. You can't find the job that pays enough to pay bills. That's why you go into business. Now you can't even have your own business?", said my Watchtower apologist husband.
6/15 WT - WT Society can Run it's Business - but JW's Can't Have their Own
by flipper inin the typical do as we say , not as we do type mentality - the wt society puts forth in this current wt study article ( jw's only wt ) - that it's not " advisable " or " reasonable " for jehovah's witnesses to seek entering their own business ventures , or further themselves by getting a college education, or even have a career - due to the imminent coming of the alleged " end of the system " or alleged " paradise " .
the guilt and control used here is ridiculous.
in the article titled , " why put jehovah's service first ?
Page 148-150, in 'Bearing thorough Witness About God's Kingdom' Book points out, 'Paul is determined not to be a financial burden on others. He does no want to give anyone the impression that he is living off the word of God. What will he do?'(ok, the WTS order you be responsible in taking care of yourself financially even as Paul, a traveling overseer, did) 'Paul did not consider tenttmaking his vocation, or career.(sure he was a'CO' but interestingly he still took sidejob to care his personal need. Following statement confirmed it).' 'He worked at this trade only to support himself in the ministry, declaring the good news 'without cost.' 'How did Aquila and Priscilla view their trade? As Christians, they no doubt viewed secular work as Paul did.(keep in mind that A&P are not COs. They, unlike Paul, had monthly bills to pay)...where their home was used as the meeting place for the local congregation(including 'mortgage' payment).' 'Present-day Christians follow the example of Paul, Aquila, and Prescilla. Zealous ministers today work hard "so as not to put an expensive burden upon" others(so far so good).' 'Commendably, many full-time Kingdom proclaimers work part-time or do seasonal work to support themselves in their vocation, the Christian ministry(as did Paul. The biblcal example applies to Paul, who's denfended on others like A&P for the housing, food, etc. Paul still worked part time to care himself as much as he could. A&P, on the other hand,had either worked full time or inherited some fortune in order to care themselves and extended their belongings to others, like Paul).' 'Like Aqulila and Priscilla, many warmhearted servants of Jehovah open their homes to traveling overseers.' In summary, the traveling overseers took part time jobs to care their needs. That was the Point! The WTS, however, after rightly applying this to 'Paul' and then truned around twists this pricniple to apply it to Rank & File who have family to fit, CO to take care, KH to contribute, slavery construction works(Qucik building, remodeling, branch construction, pioneering, etc, etc. That's what happens when people who are disconnected with the real world that have no idea how real world operates, making rules for their subjects and trying to control others in illusion. The Rank & File do not have 7 million followers that take care of every their needs. The WTS want the R&F to take care of everything(family, Co, Do, the WTS, etc) with Paul's part time job. Paul hardly took care himself with it! Because of that the WTS stronly urge R&F to take care of COs, DOs, etc by saying,'those who thus "follow the course of hospitiality" know how encouraging and upbuilding doing so can be." What an OXYMORON! BTW, follow your own counsel and go get some part time job as did Paul! You must determine not to be a financial burden on others! The WTS want you to be a SUPERHUMAN. The WTS won't take anything but 'perfection' from you lurkers! Thanks for the post Flipper.
Horrid Time for Me
by Band on the Run inmy pain has been in remission.
i have a morphine pump.
pain broke through toward the end of the medication.
What moshe said.
I am really sorry for your pain. I wish I can take your pain away from you.
Church sues ex-member for online criticism
by CaptainSchmideo in
Goodl! The pastor will learn a hard lesson of the exisitence of a civilized society who's priciple laws honors human rights before his own pathetic rights.
If you call it 'defamation' for person engage in excersising her freedom of speech based upon her personal inhuman experiences by you,
What do you call for what you were/are doing to the person?- Campaining to others with your words and actions to shun another human being.
It's at the least 'defamation'. You are also violating her Constitutional right to excise Freedom of Religion by persecuting her for not beliving your religion. It works both way!
Preventing and protecting its citizens from persecution by religious tyranny that was the very core conception, freedom of religion was adopted in the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights.
Watchtower admits, "We are like the Catholic Church"
by Juan Viejo2 incalvin rouse describes himself as "general counsel for the national organization of jehovah's witnesses out of brooklyn, new york.".
while representing one of the defendants during a trial held in san mateo county court in redwood city, california, on february 22, 2012, rouse made this amazing statement:.
"ordinarily, i wouldn't be here, but this is one our 13,000 congregations in the united states.
Following are directly quoted from a CO's talk during his recent visiting.
"The Body of Elders are under the influence of Holy Spirit.....What happen when BOE ask us to do something doesn't make any sense? Would you do it? YES!"
"Are we naive, brainwashed? NO! We trust our theocratic authority. There are malicious lies, misinformations about Body of Elders and the Governing. Building our turst in theocratic authority will save our lives."
This was one of the points outlined in the talk that had been prepared by the GB.
The Ogranization formaly granted the limitless power and authority to the BOE as well. JWs are order to follow anything the BOE would ask them to do. I am sure penelty for failing it will be the guilty of commiting a brazen conduct, a disfellowshipping offense.
The Org. step into the Reign of Terror of Middle Age Catholic Era.