If [a writing] be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its reasoning, refute it. But, for God's sake, let us freely hear both sides, if we choose.-Thomas Jefferson
I'm all for that.
But then again Thomas Jefferson wasn't quoted saying:
If a F##KING writing is a fasle piece of s##t written by an idiot with s##t for brains then tell them to just F##K OFF!
If pathetic motherf###er wants to say something stupid the let him, but for God's sake, let us freely hear both f###inf sides, if we choose.
There is also "Freedom of the press"!
Newspapers do not print stuff like that either, so why should we have a problem in a public forum being asked not to print stuff like that.
I have no problem doing my best to abide by the rules. I can't say I have never slipped up, but if I do and print something really deliberately offensive and it is removed I will no make an issue out of it because I know what freedom of speech means.
If I walked into a public mall (and this is a mall of sorts) and someone was shouting obscenities in the mall I would expect that that person would be asked to control himself or herself and if that refused to do so they would be escorted out.