My Father side of the family are Prussian, refugees from the Polish persecutions of Germanic Prussians after World War 1, so I would like to get to see what was once Prussia, but is now Poland, maybe Danzig or even Konigsberg.
Posts by Nambo
MsGrowingGirl20 is no longer one of......
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses(well mentally that is)---however i am a christian...i recently started reading different translations from is so different to how the jw's teach....and god...i mean, i still am learning and confused about certain things but i am in love with them.... it's obvious that the jw's are not an organization of god.i don't think god is working through an organization but through individuals...however i am going to speak to an elder tomorrow about my issues---all of them---and i'm going to tell him everything--what i've been reading,where i got it from---everything!!
i'm not hiding anything!
i have done no wrong....i just want to be a true christian and if they disfellowship me for seeking answers then this is not where i need to be.
Well done Ms GrowingGirl, seems Jesus is starting to call his true Sheep out of the religions of man, and you are one of them, theres a scripture somewhere that says something like, " my sheep will know my voice" and"they keep following the Lamb wherever he goes".
Some cautionary advice, its not just a question of not having family in the troof, at least you have Spiritual peers there, it does become Spiritually lonely in the world where you are the only Christian in a world of the unGodly, this is why personally, I do not actively seek to stumble active Witnesses out of the orgainsation for fear that if they are not storng enough, they will completely lose a relationship with God, and I feel even a difficult relationship whilst in the Org, is better than no relationship.
You however, have got to the stage where you cannot "do" the troof, cannot go on the field service telling people what you know realise to be untruths, cannot partake willingly in known Idolatry and creature worship, so you must leave anyway.
From my own experience, keep reading the Bible, keep praying, sometimes I drift away from God, but he allways has me back when I walk back towards him, he is that "Love".
I even get to do Ministry.I read my Bible in front of people at work, its amazing how much more people will listen to you when you havnt got the stigma of being a Jehovahs Witness, I have given away many Bibles to some of these people.
Hang on there, soon the "Two Witnesses" will come and all Jesus flock will be gathered together where you will find real Spiritual Joy to be united with others the same as you that have been called.
Maybe you also now "partake"?
Please do, read John 6 where you will see that you have too!
Does SIGHING and GROANING on JWN count?
by Fernando in(ezekiel 9:4) .
.pass through the midst of the city, through the midst of jerusalem, and you must put a mark on the foreheads of the men that are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the midst of it.. pedophilia.
You forgot ethnically cleansing Palestinians.
Better hope there is a God!
by Nambo inand he comes pretty soon, else we are up a certain creek.
as i cannot copy and paste, you will have to google, fukushima hanging by a thread, then click on the link from great picture of 460 tons of nucleur fuel atop a building that you darent even lean against..
Well if thats the case Finkelstein, how come the newspaper from the visiting Senators own County reported on his trip and confirms a lot of what the "survivalist website" is saying?
I managed to copy and paste those two, but a third I wanted to show you wont take, its by ENENews Energy News, and I dont see any adverts whatsoever on that site.
The thing is, the mainstraem media isnt touching this stuff, only independant sites like Jeff Rense who have to make a living, the fact that a lot of companies that sell survivalk stuff advertise on these sites, does that prove they are a pack of lies?, or maybe its the only way they can afford to provide the service they do? Whilst the likes of the Daily Mail will tell you what footballers shagging who, is that more trustworthy and relevant news because they are not selling survival stuff?
A lot of this stuff can be verified elsewhere by not such dodgy looking websites, for instance you can do a google search on Fukushima using MOX fuel and then another search like on Wikapedia wher you find mox fuel is indeed 2 million times worst than the Uranium fuel of Chernobyl
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred inso a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
I came in the troof in my 20s
The Congregation I attended had this book in thier library, even though I was still technically a Bible Study, though I was allready going on the work myself, they let me take this book home to read it.
I think it was that book and the lovely doughnuts they used to have at the assemblies that convinced me that this was the religion for me.
FDS Obedience Vs. JW Marriage
by allyouneedislove inis the obedience the fds expects from jws the same obedience that jw wives owe their jw husbands?.
if yes, would this mean that a jw wife should submit to any medical direction that came from her husband, even if the consequences were serious?
would this mean that it would be right for a jw husband to tell his wife if blood fractions, organ transplant, etc.
Be aware though that God can read the heart.
If said wifes motive for being obedient to the husband was because she wanted to get away with something and blame it on her husband, "oh I hoped you would say that", God will be aware of this.
For instance, if a JW Husband gave his wife a gun and said shoot all the Elders, would the wife be innocent in Gods eyes because she was obeying the command to submit to her husbands headship?
Christ is the head of the man, and the man is the head of his wife.
If however, a husband is obviously, (to the wife), not obeying headship to the Christ, would she be expected to submit to him in Spiritual matters or would Jesus prefer she bypass her husband in order to still be under the headship of the Christ?
Is it reasonable for God to expect us to have faith today?
by yadda yadda 2 inif jesus' own apostles had little faith and the apostle thomas refused to believe jesus had been resurected until he saw him, how can we be expected to have faith nearly 2,000 years later?.
jesus made a special effort to help doubting thomas believe, getting thomas to put his fingers into his wound, etc.
it was only then that thomas said "my lord and my god.
There is a scripture, I remember not where, Jesus actually says something along the lines of, "when the son of man returns, will he find faith on the Earth".
Dont forget though, that Just as the scriptures say, God does not act unless he sends his prophets to warn the people first, he will send his "Two Witnesses", now these arnt the two Witnesses the JWs would have you belive, the Great Pyramid and the Bible, these will be two actual Witnesses that will perform great signs in the sight of all mankind, Just as God sent Two Witnesses, (Moses and Aron) in the earlier pattern for what is too come, and they performed great signs, and not all the Egyptians where killed by God, mainly just those of Pharohs army that where trying to harm Gods people, so it will be in the end.
Many people will die of causes in the Great Tribulation, and that will probably be by mans doing anyway, see my Fukishima thread, in fact it says "If God didnt cut short thoses days, no flesh will be saved, so God isnt after wiping everyone off the face of the Earth, just those that the Kings of the Earth gather to fight Gods people, just as in Moses day.
There will still be Nations on the Earth after the big A, so there will still be peoples of the Nations along with Gods people who I belive will be gathered into Israel, (Once the present imposters have been cleared out).
Better hope there is a God!
by Nambo inand he comes pretty soon, else we are up a certain creek.
as i cannot copy and paste, you will have to google, fukushima hanging by a thread, then click on the link from great picture of 460 tons of nucleur fuel atop a building that you darent even lean against..
And he comes pretty soon, else we are up a certain creek
As I cannot copy and paste, you will have to Google, Fukushima hanging by a thread, then click on the link from
Great picture of 460 tons of nucleur fuel atop a building that you darent even lean against.
Recent JW funeral - with picture of "Resurrection Center"?
by Gayle inrecently, a distant relative died.
first off, i must emphasize she was a beautiful jw with a genune loving heart, who 'refused' to "cut off" a former jw sibling and some us extended family who are also former jws.
she came to a few gatherings, being totally loving and fun, never bringing up any jw issues or quips.
Maybe thats why the Org is selling off its properties, it needs the money to build a "Resurrection Centre" and they where trying out a sneak preview to see if the design was liked.
Reminds me of a fine Brother I was great friends with, he became an Elder, whilst his wife was complaining that all the sisters would probably have to knit and make endless clothes for the resurrected, he turned to me and whispered, "yeah, while we're diggin em up".
New Site JW Outreach
by Bangalore inhere is a new site named jw outreach launched by an xjw from another board.. .
After fading from the troof, I spent 10 miserable years believing still that it was the truth and that I was damned for leaving it.
Any site that looks at things from a Spiritual standpoint and helps overturn the strongly entrenched things is a wonderfull thing, hats off to you JWOP and shame on you micky takers, there are probably lots of unhappy dubs who genuinely do belive in God and the organisation and unless somebody goes to the trouble of helping them out of it from a Biblical standpoint, they are trapped.