Hi Marie, found this old thread so hope you are still following it.
I remember at Crystal Palace being introduced to a "Brother" who the introducee informed me had been born male, but the Mother so wanted a girl that she dressed and brought up this person to think he was a girl to the extent that he had a sex change.
As a grown, "Woman", this person was called on and studied to become a JW, but was told that as "She" was actually a "he" in Gods eyes, she would have to revert back. So this Woman had to dress as a man, learn to walk and talk like a man, etc to be a JW.
A year or so later, at Crystal Palace, I was in the company of some younger born-ins, who, on one of them spottting this now "Brother", proceeded to bring to the attention of the rest the shocking (to a sheltered born-in), the full details of this person, I kindly informed the Brother of the damage this could do by revealing to all something "he" was trying so hard to hide, and how such knowledge could sulley others view of "him".
Sadly enough, I heard some years later that "he" had indeed experienced so much predudice that he had left and reverted back to being a woman.
Now, the things you are reading from the Old Testament do influence Christians view that you have to be some sort of perfect Human Being for God to accept you, this is especially true in the JWs.
They forget that the whole purpose of the Mosaic Law being a "Tutor to the Christ", was to show it is not posssible for broken and sinfull flesh to ever be good enough for salvation on its own merits, the lesson to learn therefore is that salvation is 100% dependant on Jesus.
Jesus himself said, a doctor doesnt go to the well, but he goes to the sick, that he is the doctor who didnt come to save righteous people who have no need of repentance, but to call sinners.
No broken reed will he crush is a lovely prophesy about him.
According to the Mosiac law, I myself as a Bastard, am disqualified from the Kingdom of God, but we are not under the Mosiac Law now, Jesus will take anybody who wants him too, knowing that the more seemingly unworthy someone considers themselves, the more Love and appretiation they are going to give back to God and Jesus when they realise they are Loved by them.
If you continue your studies, and being Spiritual can be quite difficult without association, never let their air of discouragement or claim that you have to be perfect in the flesh, discourage you from God, for God does not look at your flesh or its ways, all he considers is your good heart and spirit, the Love you have for him.
I actually work with two transgendered people where I work.