Whilst this debate about the pros and cons of 15 year old girls consenting, let us not lose track of the extent of Savilles crimes.
He had his own key to top security prison Broadmoor, where he would abuse mentally ill patients, he had his own room at Stoke Mandeville hospital diue to the amount of charity money he raised for them, he pretty much lived there, and would abuse the sick children whilst they were helpless in thier beds.
He frequented the Childrens home on the Island of Jersey which was under Police investigation due to the horrendous sexual abuse and subsequent murder of the victims, we are now entering the realms of child snuff porn, a far cry from consenting fully grown children.
He also worked voluntarily as a hospital porter where he was allowed access to the morgue which relates to accusations that he was into necrophilia as well. The main stream media hasnt touched on this yet, but the independant media have for years, just as they have been exposing his pedophillia for years, but it is only now people will listen, now its on the TV!.
Entirely Possible, just google Jimmy Saville, from about 1964 when he hosted the first Top of The Pops, he has risen to becoming perhaps Britains top celebrity, especially in the 70s and 80s, he is very friendly with the Royal family, and some of Britains top MPs, such as Margeret Thatcher whom he would spend Christmas with, he was very good at raising money for various charities.
All these are reasons why his godlike status prevented anybody taking notice of complaints against him when he was alive, especially unwanted Children in homes who had no parents to protect them,this is what the fuss is about, that the British establishment knew perfectly well what he was up to, but didnt dare touch him.