At a Crystal Palace assembly, my proud study conducter was showing me off to her friend who asked the same question as to what attracted me to the "truth", I could tell by the look on her face that a sense of Humour was somewhat lacking in this organisation when I replied that it was the delicious donuts they used to sell at the assemblies back then.
Posts by Nambo
What attracted you to the Watchtower?
by Christ Alone inwhat attracted you to the watchtower?
were you raised in it?
if not, what caused you to convert?
The Vatican New World Order
by Infowarrior inwe know that the watchtower claims to be seeking accurate truth regarding biblical propheicies regarding the last days and the willd beast and the "world that is laying in the power of the wicked one".. the watchtower inisists it is the faithful and discreet slave who is providing needed spiritual food at the proper time.
however on close examination, is this really the case ?
or is the watchtower, like all other western corporate organizations in the modern western world, simply distracting, subverting, and hiding the truth from thier christian sheep ?.
"Much evidance makes it abundantly clear that America, Canada, England and Israel are being ruled by the Vatican. Our law in these countries is essentially Roman and Jewish (Judicial) law.
There is much much much more evidance that the Wild Beast is the Vatican and they are using the United Nations as thier tool for world government."
IT is Babylon the Great which rules those countries, Rev 17v18, the Vatican cannot be BTG and the Beast, and it is Babylon the Great who is using the UN as their tool for World Government, the Bible defines the Beast as the resultant united government or New World Order rather than the creator of itself.
So is Rome the great city of Babylon the Great?
Babylon the Great is blamed for killing the Prophets and having the blood of all slain in her skirts Rev 18v24
In Matthew 23v 35and 37, Jesus is attributing to the Jewish leaders and the Great city of Jerusalem the killing of the prophets and all the righteous blood shed on the Earth.
Was Jesus mistaken when he assigned Jersualem the blood guilt of the Prophets if in fact it turned out to be Rome that killed all those Old Testament Prophets?
Or does Jesus just go around accusing anybody he doesnt like on a particular day the blood guilt of all those slain on the Earth?
Whilst it may appear that Catholics still have great influence in world affairs, the same could equally be said about Freemasonry.
How about the school of Historical study that suggests during the Spanish persecution of Jews and the subsequent Spanish Inquisition, the Sanhedrin had issued an edict for Jews to convert to Catholicism in order to subvert and control that religion from within?
The same infultration is reported regarding the Freemasons.
This way you can still incorporate Catholic conspiracies without having to invalidate Jesus words if you consider the Catholics are not at the very top of the Pyramid, it is the so called Jewish Banker Leaders like Rothschild who are, and just as it says in Revelation 2 v 9, they are not even Jewish, they are Russian converts who hide behind the Jews and get them to absorb the hate and persecutions their actions forment.
And when Babylon the Great falls, Revelation 18 describes the total collapse of world commerce, if the Catholic Church collapsed, would that prevent you taking out a loan to buy a new car?
If the worlds Jewish owned Banking system collapsed however, that would.
Hows 'bout some drums?
by glenster inthe rs list said ginger baker practically invented the rock drum solo.. i thought that seemed late.
sandy nelson--early '60's:.
My evil sadist stepfather lived next door to Ginger Baker.
Is it as good as "If"?
Has it got a BSA in it?
The Visual Bible on youtube
by Kosonen ini recently found on youtube a lot of films on bible books.
i watched a film based on the bible book of john and just finished watching the visual bible - the book of acts.. i recommend everybody here to watch these films.
my faith was really strengthened by hearing the word of god and seeing it.
Thank you.
What is the purpose of your life as a human being and what are your plans for the future?
by Healthworker inthanks!.
love healthworker.
My purpose is to own a huge plot of land, build a thick high wall around it, and landscape it into a Frogs paradise with ponds and marshland, free from humans and predators where both frogs and toads can live a life of carefree bliss.
Its allways been my ambition, since a little boy, just got to get the land now, and the frogs.
Are the desert wastelands of biblical lands due to man or a curse?
by EndofMysteries ini was looking on google earth the other day, take a look at it, the entire world.
notice how all of the countries and lands which were involved in all the biblical events are desert wastelands.
i thought to myself, did they destroy the soil and nothing will grow, well lets see how much rain they get a year.
Like a lot of things really, cannot be proved one way or another, leaves you free to reveal your hearts true desire by whichever option you chose to want to belive.
Another one I like is the warning to the Jews they would be cast amongst the nations, and sure enough they were!, (though Iam sure there will be a rational and scientific explaination available).
What Year Will JWs Start To Ask, Are The GB Pulling Our Leg? 2020, 2030 or 2050?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini can see this game being played until 2050, there is enough cash to last until the middle of the century, if all print is shut off.
when will the lights snap on, and the majority of the jws figure "we were tricked and let's keep our kids from making our mistakes.
how far can you see in your "mind's eyes" the barnums of bethel moving the circus tents before the audience realizes the show is long over?
I belive the opposite will happen, the financial system is on the verge of collapse, thats going to seem like Armageddon to first world countries, never mind all the other tricks the hidden hand have up thier sleeves to frighten us into accepting their New World Order, World Wars, HAARP triggered "natural disasters", starvation whist they still grow thier bio-fuels, etc etc.
Then people will be flocking to the JWs who will be saying, "We told you this was going to happen", I bet even a lot of the atheists here will go running back.
Worshipping a Golden Calf wont bring any of them salvation however, a lot of JWs are going to be very suprised to see their predictions finally coming true, but to find they themselves where predicted at Mathew 24 v 26
Are Texas women cows?
by kurtbethel inlikely not, but this one is acting like one, and it's a good thing..
a mother in north texas has been awarded a guinness world record for donating breast milk.. alicia richman, 28, from granbury, pumped over 86 gallons between june 2011 and march 2012 for donation to the mothers milk bank of north texas, a nonprofit that supplies neonatal intensive care units.. the vast quantity equates to 11,000oz - to put it into context, a typical newborn's feed is around 3oz.. she told cbs dfw: 'i pumped at work, on vacations, in the car.
and i never had to buy formula.'.
Ezekiel's Temple Vision
by leaving_quietly injws understand the temple vision in ezekiel to represent the anointed today and the "spiritual temple" both earthly and heavenly.. w00 3/15 pp.
14 in 1971 an explanation of ezekiels prophecy was published in the book the nations shall know that i am jehovahhow?
a chapter of that book briefly discussed ezekiels vision of a temple.
Now bareing in mind that at the end of the 1000 years Satan gathers the Nations together to wage war on the Holy city.
Also bare in mind Isaiah 65 talks about people still dying though 100 years old.
Also supposedly dead people will be weeping and Gnashing thier teeth because they didnt get in.
I wonder if this is what happens, after Jesus returns, his people are gathered to Literal Jerusalem, just as the Hebrews were gathered there previosuly.
They will not die because they will be able to drink from the River of Life that emits from Eziekiels Temple.
People that did not qualify as Christians and that survived the tribulations, will be living in the world just as they do now, but without the Devil stirring things up, so it will be a lot better for them they will however see how they have missed out by not being in the Promised land, hence they will be living people who weep and gnash their teeth outside the city walls.
After the 1000 years, Satan gathers these people, these Nations together, not a load of JWs who failed some mysterious second test.
Gods destruction of disobedient mankind comes at the end of the 1000 years, the destruction of Mankind at the beginning reads to me only those men who actually take up arms against Jesus and his Kingdom, in much the same way the Egyptian army was destroyed, but ordinary Egyptians carried on living.
So to sum up, I think what happened to the Hebrews living in Palestine, is a pattern for what will happen to Christians living as subjects of Jesus here on Earth during his 1000 year reign, both amidst the unGodly Nations of the outside world, and Eziekiels Temple will be in the role of the original Temple but in its full capacity of bringing literal life to its people.
That way, just as the original Nations got to see how much better off mankind was with Jehovah as thier God, the rest of Mankind will even more see the Justification of God by the example of the Christians living forever right in front of thier eyes.
If everone else was dead, how would they get to see they made the wrong decision in rejecting the Christ? All the Nations will know in the end.