Thank you Tylin. I've never successfully pulled off tongue-in-cheek before, so it makes me happy to hear it.
And taking away the sarcasm from my post, these would be functional suggestions. Cedars, whatever his current standing may be, wrote some great articles that should be consolidated onto the site. A confirmation based registry for the AAWA is helpful. Use some of those credible volunteers to do thorough background checks on applicants and supporters as it pertains to the JWs and their standing with the Watchtower Society.
But aside from that, I feel with Cedars burning bridges with a much larger and more established entity of ex-JWs and faders, the AAWA cannot thrive with him as the decision maker. It's in his fake name, so only an imaginary figure will feel the legal brunt of anything, should anything happen, but there is no obligation to have him as the head or the chief decision maker.
Maybe he can keep writing for the group, or be a liason (no promise I spelled that word correctly) for the AAWA with other interested businesses or support groups. But as a decision maker, he needs to know when to hold and when to fold, and he's made it evident that he doesn't know either one.
Much good can come out of the AAWA, I feel, but not when helmed by an imaginary man who refuses to out himself while showing no sympathy for those who were outed by a security breach on his watch.