"...before getting involved with groups with names like 'Outreach', especially when these groups word their window dressing very carefully to disguise their true nature."
"Keep away from religious websites until you sort yourself out."
"I can guarantee you that somewhere there is a Christian outreach group trying to "help" your former members to see the error of their ways."
"Cult jumping, ojoy!"
Wow. Interesting comments.
Did you guys even look at the site? It should be obvious that we aren't out to have a "group" or any kind of followers. There's not even a JWOP discussion forum for people to "gather" at. And I'm not sure how we are perceived as disguising our "true nature", we're very upfront about what the site is for. Tell me, what is the whole disguise? No tricks, just plain and simple facts. Much like the jwfacts.com site, only different. And we make this very clear on the home page.
Keep away from religious websites until you sort yourself out? The whole point of the site is to help them sort out the facts from the lies. It does not promote the JWs, and it does not demonize them. It simply lays out the facts, both the good and the bad, for the readers to decide for themselves. In just our experience, many who are investigating JW doctrine spend a lot of time looking at JW based websites to find information. Ergo, the JWOP site is basically a hub to centralize the JW info on the Internet that exists from others' sources. This is why we link to their sites, books, and forums (including this one). It isn't just our "stuff", it's a central point to access everyone's information, saving them a lot of search time.
And I can't imagine a Christian group trying to help our "former members" because there are no members to help. This isn't a club to join, it's just information to consider when one is thinking of joining OR leaving the denomination.
Cult jumping? First, there needs to be a leader, second there needs to be followers. Since nobody is leading, there can be nobody following.
If you have truly read the home page and the "About" page, you would see these things for yourselves.