Hi Recovery,
Just wondering if you can please clarify something for me?
In your post #153 you said:
"One of the easiest ways to find out the meaning of a particular word is to look up a thesarus and find a long list of synonyms that have similar meaning to it. Let's do this again with the word "magic"
Magic: "alchemy, allurement,astrology, augury, bewitchment,black art, conjuring, conjury, devilry,diabolism,divination,enchantment, exorcism,fascination, foreboding, fortune-telling, hocuspocus, horoscopy, illusion,incantation, legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, of impossible feats by tricks abracadabra,power,prediction, presage, prestidigitation, prophecy, rune, sleight of hand, soothsaying, sorcery, sortilege, spell, superstition,taboo, thaumaturgy,trickery, voodoo, voodooism, witchcraft, wizardry, Satanism, demon worship,
Do the synonyms honestly convey a similar list of synonyms you'd expect when you type in the word "miracle"? If no, why not? If it does not, then the two terms are distinctive and not interchangeable."
I love crosswords, and I like to use a thesaurus to help me find the answers. The one I use is the Merriam-Webster and the online version is great. I did what you did above, and typed 'magic' into it. The result is here:
In both of the results, 'miracle' is not listed as a synonym, but in the related words, 'miraculous' is listed. 'Miraculous' is defined in the same work as meaning 'of the nature of a miracle' (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miraculous).
There does seem to be a close link between the words 'miracle' and 'magic'.
In fact in the link above to the definition of 'miraculous' if you scroll down to the heading 'Related to Miraculous', in the list of synonymns, the first one listed is 'magical'.
Can you please help me to understand how 'miracle' and 'magic' are "distinctive and not interchangeable" with each other when the reference work noted above links the two? I'm trying to get my head around this.
Cheers mate :-)